Week 2 Flashcards
What are the anatomical features of the oral cavity
submental submandibular lymph nodes submandibular glands mylohyoid raphe anterior belly of digastric mylohyoid muscle
What are the landmarks of the front of the neck
hyoid bone thyrohyoid muscle laryngeal prominence thyroid cartilage cricoid cartilage sternothyroid muscle thyroid gland
What are the landmarks of the anterior triangle of the neck
external carotid artery external jugular vein cervical nodes sternocleidomastoid muscle omohyoid common carotid artery sternothyroid muscle super thyroid artery
What do the sub mandibular lymph nodes drain
the area of the mouth, nasal cavity & maxillary sinus as well as lower parts of the face
When may a patient see enlargement of lymph nodes
if px has disease
If they are painful and tender this points to an infection, on the other hand if they are painless then this may be a malignant change
What do the submental nodes drain
the most anterior parts of the lower parts of the mouth, this includes: lower lip, skin, chin, tip of the tongue &; floor of the mouth of the anterior teeth. These provide lymph to the submental lymph nodes
Describe the submandibular salivary glands
○ These glands are the size of a walnut
It is a mixed gland (serous and mucous secretions)
Where are the submandibular salivary glands found
in the floor of the mouth in the suprahyoid region of the neck and a large part of the gland is visible just beneath the superior border of the mandible
What is the function of the platysma
tenses the fascia on the anterior and lateral sides of the neck and upper chest as in snarling
What is fascia
a fascia is a band of connective tissue (collagen) beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes and separates muscles and organs
What is the digastric muscle
○ The digastric muscle consists of an anterior belly and a posterior belly connected by an intermediate tendon
Where does the anterior belly of the digastric originate and insert
○ The anterior belly originates from the inferior border of the mandible towards the chin and it runs downwards and backwards to insert into the digastric tendon
Where does the posterior belly of the digastric arise
rior Belly of the Digastric
○ The posterior belly arises from behind the mastoid process of the temporal bone
○ It passes downwards and forwards towards the hyoid bone where it becomes the intermediate digastric tendon and joins with the anterior belly
How is the central tendon in the digastric held down to the hyoid bone
by the fascia
Where does the mylohyoid arise form
the medial surface of the body of the mandible
Where do the anterior fibres of the mylohyoid muscle attach
○ The anterior fibres join the fibres on the opposite side to form a median raphe and this mylohyoid raphe is attached to the mandible and the hyoid bone
What is the function of the mylohyoid
○ It raises the floor of the mouth during the first stages of swallowing, it helps depress the mandible when the hyoid bone is fixed and it aids in the elevation of the hyoid bone
Describe the position of the hyoid bone
○ Situated in the upper part of the front of the neck
○ Posterior and a little below inferior border of the chin
○ It lies at the level of C3
Horse shoe shaped
What muscles is the hyoid bone maintained by
§ Geniohyoid § Hyoglossus § Chondroglossus § Middle constrictor of the pharynx § Mylohyoid § Omohyoid § Sternohyoid § Stylohyoid § Thyrohyoid Levator of the thyroid gland
What is the manubrium
Superior part of the sternum lying at level of T3-T4
Describe the position of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
○ Lies on side of the neck
○ Layer of deep cervical fascia encloses it, which splits to pass around it
○ Forms the boundaries of the posterior and anterior triangles of the neck
What covers the sternocleidomastoid at the root of the neck
platysma muscle
What are the 2 heads of the sternocleidomastoid
has a sternal and clavicular head
Where does the clavicular head arise from
○ The clavicular head is a wide muscular head arising from the upper surface of the medial third of the clavicle