Week 2 Flashcards
vertebral column
cervical vertebrae thoracic vertebrae lumbar vertebrae sacrum coccyx
parts of the vertebrae
vertebral body pedicle lamina transverse processes spinous processes vertebral foramen articular processes
what goes through vertebral foramen
spinal cord
how many cervical vertebrae do you have
how many thoracic vertebrae do you have
how many lumbar vertebrae do you have
what is the sacrum made up of
5 fused vertebrae
what is the coccyx made of
4 fused vertebrae
what is a intervertebral disc
unit of articulating material that separates the vertebral bodies of adjacent vertebrae
hold vertebral bodies together
what does the intervertebral disc resist
parts of an intervertebral disc
nucleus pulposus
annulus fibrosis
nucleus pulposus
pulpy middle
annulus fibrosis
rings surround the nucleus pulposes
ligaments on vertebrae
ligamentum flavum
interspinous ligaments
supraspinous ligaments
ligamentum flavum
connects lumina
interspinous ligaments
between spinous processes
supraspinous ligaments
along top of spinous processes
what do the ligaments of the vertebrae do
connect adjacent vertebrae along their posterior side
intervertebral foramen
hole from side that spinal nerves poke out of
what ligaments run along vertebral bodies
posterior longitudinal ligament
anterior longitudinal ligament
what movement happens at the vertebral column
lateral flexion
what bones are attached to the vertebral column
ribs, sternum
what is the sternum made of
superior- manubrium
middle- body of the sternum
inferior- xyphoid process
what ribs are the floating ribs
ribs 11 and 12
what connects rib to sternum
costal cartilage
what does ribs articulate with
2 adjacent vertebrae and portion of transverse process
costotransverse joint
where rib meets transverse process
how to number ribs
rib is the same at the vertebrae below it
movements at thoracic joint during inspiration
bucket handle
pump handle
bucket handle move
up and out
pump handle move
sternum moves forward anteriorly and upward superiorly
bones of upper limb
humerus, scapula, clavicle
ligaments of clavicle and scapula
interclavicular ligament sternoclavicular ligament coracoacromial ligament costoclavicular ligament coraclavicular ligament transversehumeral ligament
2 parts of coraclavicular ligament
interclavicular ligament
clavicles together
sternoclavicular ligament
sternum and clavicle
coracoacromial ligament
coracoid and acromion
costoclavicular ligament
1st rib to clavicle
coracoclavicular ligament
coracoid to clavicle
transversehumeral ligament
2 tubercle on proximal end of humerus
trapezoid portion of coracoclavicular ligament
larger and lateral
conoid portion of coracoclavicular ligament
narrower and medial
what type of joint is the glenohumeral joint
ball and socket
can the glenohumeral joint move around quite freely
what does the rotator cuff muscle do for glenohumeral joint
surround joint, help to hold in place,
what way does the glenohumeral joint typically dislocate
fluid filled cavity that help to provide cushioning
large bursa in glenohumeral cavity
movement in the shoulder joint
extension, flexion, abduction, adduction, lateral extension, lateral flexion, medial rotation, lateral rotation
how many planes are there motion in the glenohumeral joint
all 3
bones of the forelimb
humerus ulna ( medial, pinky side), radius (latera, thumb side) 8 carpals 5 metacarpals 5 digits
what type of joint is the elbow
hinge joint
how many planes does the elbow joint have movement in
1 plane
what type of movement does the elbow have
flexion and extension
what reinforces the elbow
what ligaments are on the side of joints
collateral ligaments
what does the lateral radial collateral ligament connect to
annular ligament
annular ligament position
attaches to ulna and wraps around head of radius,
what does the annular ligament doe
holds the head of he radius in place
medial unlar collateral ligament
attaches ulna to humerus
much larger and broader than lateral collateral ligament
carpal bones
lateral to medial,
proximal- scaphoid, lunate, triquetrium, pisiform
distal- trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, humate
joints around the carpals and metacarpals
radiocarpal joint
midcarpal joint
carpometacarpal joints
movement at the wrist joint
flexion, extension, radial and ulnar deviation,
where does supination and pronation occur
radioulnar joints proximal and distal
metacarpophalangal joint (mcp)
metacarpal to phlange
proximal interphlangeal joint (pip)
proximal phalange to middle phalange
distal interphalangeal joint (dip)
middle phalange to distal phalange
anterior hand
posterior hand
what do collateral ligaments to
reinforce joint
movement at the fingers
flexion, extension, hyperflexion,
abduction and adduction at mcp
thumb movement
opposition, reposition
doesn’t move
extrinsic muscle
originates, but goes some where else
intrinsic muscle
originates and stays in same place
superficial back muscle
connect upper body to trunk
intermediate back muscle
superficial respiratory muscles
deep back muscle
support structure of vertebral column and move the spine
superficial back muscles
trapezius, lattisimus dorsi, rhomboid major, rhomboid minor, levator scapulae
intermediate back muscles
serratus posterior inferior, serratus posterior superior,
sensing location and state of parts of the body
what are the deep layers of the back intrinsic or extrinsic
1st deep layer of back muscles
lateral to medial
iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis thoracis
2nd deep layer of back muscles
semispinalis, multifidus, rotatores
what does multifidus and rotatores do
rotate the vertebral column
contralateral rotation
contralateral rotation
muscle on one side of body contracts, rotates part of body connected in opposite direction
ipsilateral rotation
muscle pulling rotates body the same side
intercostal muscles are where
between ribs, connect and expand ribcage
what are the 3 layers of intercostal muscle
external, internal, and inner most
where do intercostal nerves and blood vessels run between
internal and innermost layers of intercostal muscles
what direction does the external layer of intercostal muscle run
pocket, \/
what is the external layer of intercostal muscle used for
what direction does the interanl layer of intercostal muscle run
superstar /\
what is the internal layer of intercostal muscle used for
what diretion does the inner most layer of intercostal muscle run
superstar /\
what is the inner most layer of intercostal muscle used for
very flat muscle, separates thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity
has holes that facilitate things going through
does the diaphragm contract or relax during inspiration
contracts and flattens
does the diaphram contract or relax during expiration
abdominal muscles
rectus abdominus
external obliques
internal obliques
rectus abdominus
either side of the center of anterior part of abdomen
what is rectus abdomninus made of
layers of muscles separated by tendinous bands, which forms gaps between muscle bodies
external obliques muscle orientation
pockets \/
internal obliques muscle orientation
parallel to transverse plane –
deep abdominal muscle
transverse abdominus muscle orientation
superstar /\
arm muscles
pectoralis major
pectoralis minor
what do arm muscles do
connect sternum to ribs to appendicular skeleton
what do extrinsic back muscles do
insert/ move humerus or scapula
posterior elbow muscle
triceps brachii,
posterior elbow muscle do what movement
anterior elbow muscles
biceps brachii, brachialis
anterior elbow muscles do what movement
what are the forearm muscles prefominantly
extrinsic hand muscles
what side of the forearm are flexor muscles
what side of the forearm are the extensor muscles
other digits but thumb
digiti minimi
carpal tunnel
bounded by carpals and flexor retincaculum
what runs through carpal tunnel
tendons and median nerve
carpal tunnel syndrom
compression on tendons in carpal tunnel cuases compression on median nerve
deep anterior muscles that pronate arm
pronator teres
pronator quadratus
muscles that supinate arm
supinator, biceps brachii
go to thumb
go to pinky
between metacarpals-
abduct and adduct
how many dorsal interossei
how many palmar interossei
how many lumbricals
what do lumbricals do
flex mcp joint, extend pip and dip joints