Week 2 Flashcards
What does benthic mean?
“on the bottom”
what are benthic macroinvertebrates
wide variety of organisms that live on the bottom of lakes, ponds and rivers
what are some characteristics of class gastropoda
snails and limpets, highly mobile, contain radula
what are some characteristics of class bivalva
clams and mussels, no radula, filter feeders
T or F: gastropods and bivalves live in saltwater
F; freshwater
what distinguishes the chonchifera clade
posess a shell
one of the earliest animals to invade the land are predicted to be _____
what indicates mollluscs originated in the sea?
fossil evidence
what is contained in the head-foot region of mollusc
feeding and locomotor organs
what is contained in the visceral mass of the mollusc
digestive, circulatory, respiratory and reproductive organs
the mantle cavity in the mollusc usually houses the ____
in most molluscs, the mantle secretes a _____ over the visceral mass
what is an odontophore
supporting cartilage that the radula sits on top of
what is the periostracum
outer organic layer of the shell, composed of conchiolin
what is the inner narceous layer
next to the mantle in molluscs, laid down in thin layers and becomes thicker with age
how are pearls formed in molluscs
when small objects get caught within the mantle, the nacre secretes mucous in and secretes a peal to reduce irritation
what is torsion
twisting of the viscera
when does torsion occur in moluscs
in the embryonic stage, anus gets twisted towards the anterior side
what is a disavantage of torsion in molluscs
anus comes out the mantle cavity where the lungs are, this can have complications
What is the difference between Oligochaeta and Hirudinea
Oiligochaetes have setae, leeches have suckers
what is a characteristic that all annelids share (ancestral state)
parapodia: small paddle like assemblages
what is a chractersitic that all Oligochaeta and Hirunida share
Clitellum: larger part of the body that contains the organs
what are setae?
small hairs, anchors that help push them through the soil in order to prevent backwards movement
what are some characteristics of class Hirudinea
dorso-ventrally flattened, posterior sucker, parasitic and predatory forms, not all are parasites nor do all drink fluids
all Hirudinea have exactly ___ segments
T or F: most leeches are freshwater
class hirudinea lack distinct ______ departments
what is the suphylum hexapoda
class insecta
what is the class malacostracta
crayfish and shrimps
what is the class ostracoda
seed shrimps
what is the class brachiopoda
fairy shrimps, cladocerans (daphnia)
what is the subclass copepoda
important zooplanktons~
what are two characteristics that all arthropods share
compound eye, chintinous exoskeleton with articulated appendages, need ot shed their exoskeleton to grow
what is a distinct chracteristic between hexopoda and crustacea
shared derived DNA sequences
what is the order hemiptera
“true bugs”, piercing sucking mouth parts
what is the order diptera
flies and mosquitoes, complete metamorphasis
what is metamorphasis
complete larval form to adult form
what is the order odonata
dragonflies and damselfies; aquatic nymphs, flying adults
what is the difference between anisoptera and zygoptenra
when dragonflies are at rest their wings are spreadout, dansleflies at rest are vertical
what is ephemeroptera
what order is a good indicator of water quality
what is the order trichoptera
caddis flies, construct nets and cases
what is hte order plecoptera
stone flies, 1-4 years as a nymph, 1-4 weeks as an adult
what is the order megaloptera
dobson flies
what is the order isopoda
pill bugs!!
T or F: Arthropods usually have 2 body segments
what are some arthropod body plan characteristics
visible segmentation, usually one pair of appendages in each segment
what is a disadvantages of the arthropod body plan
when they molt they are at risk of predation and damage
what is the role of the procuticle in arthropods
to control moisture loss
what are some characteristics of the subphylum chelicerata
6 pairs of legs, no mandibles, get their name from their feeding appendages, chelicerae, have pair of pedipalps- sensory function
what are some characteristics of the subphylum crustacea
only primarily aquatic arthropod group, 2 body segments, contain carapace, extrashell over the front half of the body
what are some characterstics of the subphylum hexapoda
3 tagmata, 1 pair of anennae, 1 pair of mandibles, 1 pair maxillae, 3 pairs of walking legs
what are mandibles and maxillae used for
mandibles used for crushin, maxillae for chewing
what are the two classes of subphylum hexapoda
entognatha (inner mouth + wingless) and insecta (visible mouth, winged or wingless)
what is a chracteristic all insecta share
ectognathous mouthpart
what separates neoptera from paleoptera
wings fold back over body for neoptera
The study by Chin et al. was conducted where
stony creek watershed bordering yukon and northwest territories
The study by Chin et al. collected macroinvertebrates how?
3 minute travelling kick and sweep
T or F: The study by Chin et al. found that richness had a lot of variance
T or F: The study by Chin et al. found a negative relationship between abundance and TSS
T or F: The study by Chin et al. found a positive relationship between bundance and TP
T or F: The study by Chin et al. found a positive relationship ebtween abundance and distance to disturbance
T or F: The study by Chin et al. found that thaw slumps increase TSS, TN and TP
T or F: The study by Chin et al. found that thaw sumps have a significant impact on diversity
T or F: The study by Chin et al. found that thaw slumps increase abundance