WEEK 1_ News Vocabulary Flashcards
Brokerage, Mediation
(仲介) – Brokerage, Mediation
仲 (중) – Middle, intermediary, between
This character is commonly used to indicate “middle” or “mediator.” It appears in words related to middlemen, diplomacy, and relationships.
介 (개) – Introduce, intervene
This character conveys the meaning of introducing or intervening in a situation, making it fitting for brokerage-related terms.
➡ Together: 仲介 means acting as an intermediary or broker between two parties.
Brokerage Fee, Commission
중개 수수료 (仲介 手數料) – Brokerage Fee, Commission
仲 (중) – Middle, intermediary
介 (개) – Introduce, intervene
手 (수) – Hand
This character represents hands, action, or work. In this case, it suggests something that is handled manually or through effort.
數 (수) – Number, count
Often used in contexts related to counting or calculations. Here, it relates to financial figures.
料 (료) – Fee, charge, material
This character is used to denote costs or materials. In financial terms, it refers to a charge or fee.
➡ Together: This phrase refers to a fee paid for brokerage services.
Second-hand Market
중고 시장 (中古 市場) – Second-hand Market
中 (중) – Middle, secondhand
This character is used to mean “middle” (e.g., 중간 – middle) but also “secondhand” in some contexts, like in 中古 (중고), which means “used.”
古 (고) – Old, ancient
Used to signify something old, past, or antique.
市 (시) – Market, city
This character represents a place where people gather for commerce.
場 (장) – Place, location
This denotes a specific area or space designated for a particular purpose.
➡ Together: A marketplace for used or second-hand goods.
Direct Transaction
직거래하는 (直去來 하다) – Direct Transaction
直 (직) – Straight, direct
This means “straight” in both a literal and figurative sense, indicating directness or honesty.
去 (거) – Go, past
This character represents movement, leaving, or going away.
來 (래/내) – Come, arrive
Opposite of 去 (거), it means to come or arrive.
하다 – A Korean verb meaning “to do.”
➡ Together: 直去來 (직거래) means a direct transaction, as in buying or selling without a middleman.
Concern, Worry, Apprehension
우려 (憂慮) – Concern, Worry, Apprehension
憂 (우) – Worry, anxiety
This character strongly conveys feelings of worry, sadness, or distress. It is often used in words related to mental unease.
慮 (려/여) – Consider, think about
This character represents careful thought or deliberation.
➡ Together: 憂慮 (우려) refers to deep concern or worry about a matter.
Real-name Verification
실명 인증 (實名 認證) – Real-name Verification
實 (실) – Real, true
This character means “real” or “genuine,” often used to emphasize authenticity.
名 (명) – Name
This character means “name” and is commonly seen in words related to identity.
認 (인) – Recognize, acknowledge
This character signifies recognition or acknowledgment.
證 (증) – Proof, certificate
Often used in legal and official contexts, referring to documents or verification processes.
➡ Together: This term refers to the verification process that confirms someone’s real name.
Recommended, Advised
권고했습니다 (勸告 하다) – Recommended, Advised
勸 (권) – Persuade, recommend
This character means to advise, urge, or encourage someone to take action.
告 (고) – Inform, notify
This character is about conveying information or making an announcement.
하다 – A Korean verb meaning “to do.”
➡ Together: 勸告 (권고) means to formally advise or recommend something.
Listings (Real Estate or Items for Sale)
매물들 (賣物들) – Listings (Real Estate or Items for Sale)
賣 (매) – Sell
物 (물) – Object, thing
➡ Together: 賣物 (매물) refers to items available for sale, commonly used in real estate for property listings.
Multi-billion Won Luxury Housing
수십억짜리 고가 주택 (數十億짜리 高價 住宅) – Multi-billion Won Luxury Housing
數 (수) – Number, several
十 (십) – Ten
億 (억) – Billion
Together, 數十億 (수십억) means “several billion.”
짜리 – (Native Korean) A suffix indicating worth or value.
高 (고) – High
價 (가) – Price
高價 (고가) means “high price” or “expensive.”
住 (주) – Live, reside
宅 (택) – House, home
住宅 (주택) means “housing” or “residence.”
➡ Together: A multi-billion-won expensive house.
Jeonse & Monthly Rent
전·월세 (傳·月貰) – Jeonse & Monthly Rent
傳 (전) – Lease, transfer
In Korea, 전세 (傳貰) is a unique lease system where tenants pay a large deposit instead of monthly rent.
月 (월) – Month
貰 (세) – Rent, lease
월세 (月貰) refers to the standard monthly rent system.
➡ Together: 전세 and 월세 refer to different rental systems in Korea.
Densely Packed, Fully Occupied
빼곡히 – Densely Packed, Fully Occupied
빼곡히 is a native Korean word (no Hanja) meaning “closely packed together” or “densely filled.”
무자격 (無資格) – Unqualified
無 (무) – None, without
資格 (자격) – Qualification, eligibility
➡ Together: Someone or something lacking proper qualifications.
Numerous, Many
허다합니다 (許多 하다) – Numerous, Many
許 (허) – Allow, many
多 (다) – Many
➡ Together: 許多 (허다) means “plentiful” or “numerous.”
Posted, Displayed
게시된 (揭示된) – Posted, Displayed
揭 (게) – Reveal, expose
示 (시) – Show, display
➡ Together: 揭示 (게시) means “to post or display” something publicly.
500 Cases/Listings
500건을 – 500 Cases/Listings
件 (건) – Case, instance
In Korean, 건 (件) is a counter used for incidents, listings, or cases.
➡ Together: Refers to 500 listed items or cases.
Licensed Realtor Law
공인중개사법 (公認仲介士法) – Licensed Realtor Law
公 (공) – Public, official
認 (인) – Recognize, acknowledge
仲 (중) – Middle, intermediary
介 (개) – Introduce, mediate
士 (사) – Specialist, professional
공인중개사 (公認仲介士) means “licensed realtor.”
法 (법) – Law
➡ Together: The legal framework governing licensed realtors.
System, Institution
제도 (制度) – System, Institution
制 (제) – Control, regulate
度 (도) – Degree, measure
➡ Together: 制度 (제도) refers to an institutional or regulatory system.
To Introduce, Implement
도입할 (導入할) – To Introduce, Implement
導 (도) – Lead, guide
入 (입) – Enter, bring in
➡ Together: 導入 (도입) means “to introduce” or “to implement” a new system.
Certified Real Estate Registration Document
등기부등본 (登記簿謄本) – Certified Real Estate Registration Document
登 (등) – Register, record
記 (기) – Write, record
登記 (등기) means “registration.”
簿 (부) – Ledger, book
登記簿 (등기부) refers to the registration ledger for properties.
謄 (등) – Copy, duplicate
本 (본) – Original, book
謄本 (등본) means “a certified copy.”
➡ Together: This document is an official copy of real estate ownership records.
Automatically Linked
자동 연계해 (自動 連繫해) – Automatically Linked
自 (자) – Self
動 (동) – Move, action
自動 (자동) means “automatic.”
連 (연) – Connect, link
繫 (계) – Tie, bind
連繫 (연계) means “linkage” or “connection.”
➡ Together: Automatically linking systems or information.
Owner, Proprietor
소유자 (所有者) – Owner, Proprietor
所 (소) – Place, possession
有 (유) – Have, own
所有 (소유) means “ownership.”
者 (자) – Person, one who does something
➡ Together: 所有者 (소유자) means “the owner” of an item or property.
If It Matches
일치하면 (一致하면) – If It Matches
一 (일) – One, uniform
致 (치) – Reach, match
一致 (일치) means “to be consistent or in agreement.”
➡ Together: 일치하면 means “if it matches” or “if it is consistent.”
Label, Mark, Badge
표지 (標識) – Label, Mark, Badge
標 (표) – Sign, mark
識 (지) – Recognize, know
➡ Together: 標識 (표지) refers to a label, badge, or mark used for identification.
Granted, Assigned
부여했고요 (賦與했고요) – Granted, Assigned
賦 (부) – Grant, bestow
與 (여) – Give, provide
➡ Together: 賦與 (부여) means “to grant or assign.”
Old-Style Real Estate Office
복덕빵 (福德房) – Bokdeokbang (Old-Style Real Estate Office)
福 (복) – Blessing, fortune
德 (덕) – Virtue, morality
房 (방) – Room, house
➡ Together: 복덕방 (福德房) is an old Korean term for a small, community-based real estate office.
Certification System
인증제 (認證制) – Certification System
認 (인) – Recognize, certify
證 (증) – Proof, certificate
制 (제) – System, regulation
➡ Together: 認證制 (인증제) refers to a system of certification.
Introduction, Implementation
도입을 (導入을) – Introduction, Implementation
(Same as 도입할 above)
발 전용 – Foot-Only
발 – Foot
전용 – Exclusive use
➡ Together: 발 전용 means something designated exclusively for feet.
세제 – Detergent
세 – Wash, clean
제 – Agent, substance
➡ Together: 세제 refers to a cleaning agent or detergent.
혐오 – Hatred
혐 – Dislike, hate
오 – Loathe, detest
➡ Together: 혐오 means a strong feeling of hatred or disgust.
By Discrimination
차별로 – By Discrimination
차 – Differ, distinguish
별 – Classify, categorize
로 – By, through
➡ Together: 차별로 means ‘through discrimination’ or ‘by means of discrimination’.
Inciting, Promoting
조장하는 – Inciting, Promoting
조 – Help, support
장 – Encourage, promote
➡ Together: 조장하는 means to incite or encourage a certain behavior or idea.
협업 – Collaboration
협 – Cooperate, join
업 – Work, industry
➡ Together: 협업 refers to working together, especially in a professional setting.
항의 – Protest
항 – Resist, oppose
의 – Meaning, intent
➡ Together: 항의 means expressing opposition or protest.
Internet Users, Netizens
누리꾼들 – Internet Users, Netizens
누리 – World, internet (modern usage)
꾼 – Person who does an activity frequently
➡ Together: 누리꾼들 refers to people who are active internet users.
Opposed, Reacted Strongly
반발했는데 – Opposed, Reacted Strongly
반 – Oppose, resist
발 – React, response
했는데 – Did (past action marker)
➡ Together: 반발했는데 means someone opposed or reacted strongly to something.
여성혐오적 – Misogynistic
여성 – Woman, female
혐오 – Hatred, disgust
적 – Relating to, having the characteristic of
➡ Together: 여성혐오적 describes something as misogynistic.
Ppongppongnam (Term for a man seen as easily manipulated by a wife)
퐁퐁남 – Ppongppongnam
퐁퐁 – Refers to a dishwashing detergent (symbolizing housework)
남 – Man
➡ Together: 퐁퐁남 is a slang term for a man who does a lot of housework, often implying he is controlled by his wife.
Company’s Own Product
자사 제품 – Company’s Own Product
자 – Oneself, self
사 – Company, firm
제품 – Product
➡ Together: 자사 제품 means a product made by one’s own company.
Double, Dual
이중적 – Double, Dual
이 – Two, double
중 – Middle, layer
적 – Characteristic of
➡ Together: 이중적 describes something as dual or contradictory.
Raised (an issue)
제기한 – Raised (an issue)
제 – Raise, bring up
기 – Start, initiate
한 – Past tense marker
➡ Together: 제기한 means someone raised an issue or brought up a complaint.
Eventually, At Last
급기야 – Eventually, At Last
➡ 급기야 is a native Korean word (no Hanja). It means ‘in the end’ or ‘eventually’ with a strong nuance.
불매 – Boycott
불 – Not, no
매 – Buy, purchase
➡ Together: 불매 means refusing to buy something, often as a protest.
재발 – Recurrence
재 – Again, repeat
발 – Occur, arise
➡ Together: 재발 means something happening again, usually negative like a problem or disease.
방지 – Prevention
방 – Block, prevent
지 – Stop, control
➡ Together: 방지 refers to taking measures to prevent something from happening.
Passion for Education
교육열 – Passion for Education
교육 – Education
열 – Passion, enthusiasm
➡ Together: 교육열 refers to a strong passion or zeal for education, often associated with Korean society’s emphasis on academic success.
Daechi-dong Moms (Highly Competitive Education-Focused Mothers)
대치동 엄마 – Daechi-dong Mom
대치동 – A wealthy district in Seoul known for elite private education
엄마 – Mom, mother
➡ Together: 대치동 엄마 refers to mothers in Daechi-dong who are heavily invested in their children’s education, often through private tutoring and intense academic competition.
Being Concentrated, Focusing on
쏠리고 있습니다 – Being Concentrated, Focusing on
쏠리다 – To be tilted, biased, or concentrated on something
있습니다 – Present progressive form (is happening)
➡ Together: 쏠리고 있습니다 means something is currently being focused on or shifting towards a particular direction.
Gifted, Talented (Like a Prodigy)
영재적인 – Gifted, Talented
영재 – Gifted person, prodigy
적 – Suffix meaning “related to” or “characteristic of”
➡ Together: 영재적인 describes something or someone as having characteristics of a gifted individual, especially in academics.
Focus, Emphasis
초점이 – Focus, Emphasis
초점 – Focus, central point
이 – Subject marker
➡ Together: 초점이 refers to the main focus or emphasis of something.
Private Education
사교육 – Private Education
사 – Private, non-governmental
교육 – Education
➡ Together: 사교육 refers to private education, such as tutoring, cram schools, and other non-public academic services.
Significantly, Considerably
훌쩍 – Significantly, Considerably
➡ 훌쩍 is a native Korean word (no Hanja) meaning “to increase significantly” or “by a large amount.”
Current Position, Currently Working in a Field
현직 – Current Position, Currently Working
현 – Present, current
직 – Job, position
➡ Together: 현직 refers to someone currently working in a professional position, such as a teacher, doctor, or public servant.
Historical Accuracy, Authentic Verification
고증이 – Historical Accuracy, Authentic Verification
고증 – Historical verification, authentication
이 – Subject marker
➡ Together: 고증이 refers to verifying historical or factual accuracy, often used in academic or media discussions.
Expensive Padded Jacket (Luxury Winter Coat)
고가 패딩 – Expensive Padded Jacket
고가 – High price, expensive
패딩 – Padded jacket (loanword from English “padding” for insulated clothing)
➡ Together: 고가 패딩 refers to high-priced winter coats, often associated with luxury brands.
Suppressing, Putting to Sleep
잠재우는 – Suppressing, Putting to Sleep
잠 – Sleep
재우다 – To put to sleep, suppress
➡ Together: 잠재우는 means to suppress or quiet something, either literally (putting to sleep) or metaphorically (calming down a controversy or issue).
As Much As, No Less Than
무려 – As Much As, No Less Than
➡ 무려 is a native Korean word (no Hanja). It emphasizes a surprisingly large number or amount.
Worth (of a certain amount of money)
원어치 – Worth (of a certain amount of money)
원 – Korean currency (Won)
어치 – Worth, equivalent value
➡ Together: 원어치 means something worth a certain amount in Korean won.
Prison Sentence, Actual Jail Term
실형이 – Prison Sentence, Actual Jail Term
실 – Real, actual
형 – Punishment, sentence
이 – Subject marker
➡ Together: 실형이 refers to a court-issued prison sentence, meaning real jail time (as opposed to probation).
Has Been Sentenced
선고됐습니다 – Has Been Sentenced
선고 – Sentence, verdict
되다 – To be (passive form)
습니다 – Formal verb ending
➡ Together: 선고됐습니다 means a legal sentence has been handed down.
Passenger Plane
여객기 – Passenger Plane
여객 – Passenger transport
기 – Machine, aircraft
➡ Together: 여객기 refers to an airplane used for carrying passengers.
Absurd, Ridiculous
황당한 – Absurd, Ridiculous
황당 – Absurdity, ridiculousness
한 – Descriptive verb form
➡ Together: 황당한 describes something as shocking, ridiculous, or absurd.
Jongno Area Jewelry Stores
종로구 일대 금은방 – Jongno Area Jewelry Stores
종로구 – Jongno District (a central area in Seoul)
일대 – Surrounding area, vicinity
금은방 – Jewelry store (literally “gold and silver shop”)
➡ Together: 종로구 일대 금은방 refers to jewelry stores in the Jongno district.
Precious Metal, Jewelry
귀금속 – Precious Metal, Jewelry
귀 – Valuable, precious
금 – Gold
속 – Metal, material
➡ Together: 귀금속 refers to valuable metals such as gold, silver, and platinum, often used in jewelry.
Fled, Escaped
도주했습니다 – Fled, Escaped
도주 – Escape, flee
하다 – To do
습니다 – Formal verb ending
➡ Together: 도주했습니다 means someone has fled or escaped.
Crime, Criminal Act
범행 – Crime, Criminal Act
범 – Crime, offense
행 – Act, behavior
➡ Together: 범행 refers to an act of crime.
Hong Kong to Incheon Flight
홍콩발 인천행 – Hong Kong to Incheon Flight
홍콩 – Hong Kong
발 – Departing from
인천 – Incheon (a city in Korea, home to Incheon International Airport)
행 – Heading to, bound for
➡ Together: 홍콩발 인천행 refers to a flight departing from Hong Kong and heading to Incheon.
Incheon District Court
인천지법은 – Incheon District Court
인천 – Incheon
지법 – District Court (short for 지방 법원, meaning regional court)
은 – Topic marker
➡ Together: 인천지법은 refers to the Incheon District Court.
절도 – Theft
절 – Steal, snatch
도 – Take, theft
➡ Together: 절도 refers to the act of stealing or theft.
Charge, Accusation
혐의 – Charge, Accusation
혐 – Suspicion, charge
의 – Related to, concerning
➡ Together: 혐의 refers to a charge or allegation in a legal context.
Indicted, Prosecuted
기소된 – Indicted, Prosecuted
기소 – Prosecution, indictment
되다 – To be (passive form)
➡ Together: 기소된 means someone has been formally charged with a crime.
Prison Sentence (Years of Jail Time)
징역 – Prison Sentence
징 – Punishment, sentence
역 – Forced labor (historically part of prison sentences)
➡ Together: 징역 refers to a prison sentence, often with hard labor.
Has Been Sentenced
선고했고 – Has Been Sentenced
선고 – Sentence, verdict
했 – Past tense marker
고 – And, then
➡ Together: 선고했고 means a sentence has been issued and continues the explanation.
Court, Judiciary Panel
재판부 – Court, Judiciary Panel
재판 – Trial, court proceedings
부 – Division, group, panel
➡ Together: 재판부 refers to a panel of judges or a court handling a trial.
Circumstances, Details of the Case
경위 – Circumstances, Details of the Case
경 – Process, situation
위 – Position, location
➡ Together: 경위 refers to the details and circumstances of an event, often used in legal or investigative contexts.
Severity of the Crime
죄질 – Severity of the Crime
죄 – Crime, wrongdoing
질 – Quality, nature
➡ Together: 죄질 refers to the nature and seriousness of a crime.
Bad, Poor, Unfavorable
불량하다 – Bad, Poor, Unfavorable
불 – Not, negative prefix
량 – Good, quality
하다 – To be
➡ Together: 불량하다 means something is bad, poor in quality, or morally lacking.
Sentencing Consideration, Factors Affecting the Sentence
양형 – Sentencing Consideration, Factors Affecting the Sentence
양 – Measure, amount
형 – Punishment, sentence
➡ Together: 양형 refers to the factors considered when determining a legal sentence, such as mitigating or aggravating circumstances.
Identification Chip
인식칩 – Identification Chip
인식 – Recognition, identification
칩 – Chip (loanword from English “chip”)
➡ Together: 인식칩 refers to a microchip used for identification, often in pets or electronic devices.
To Check, To Verify
확인을 취해 – To Check, To Verify
확인 – Confirmation, verification
을 – Object marker
취하다 – To take, to carry out (a process)
➡ Together: 확인을 취해 means to verify or check something.
Loss, Being Lost
분실 – Loss, Being Lost
분 – Separate, lose
실 – Disappear, miss
➡ Together: 분실 refers to losing an item, often used for lost belongings.
Achievement, Success
성과 – Achievement, Success
성 – Accomplish, succeed
과 – Result, outcome
➡ Together: 성과 refers to a positive result, outcome, or accomplishment.
Owner’s Arms, Returning to Owner
주인품 – Owner’s Arms, Returning to Owner
주인 – Owner
품 – Arms, embrace
➡ Together: 주인품 refers to something being returned to its owner, often metaphorically meaning reunited with an owner.
Ended Up Being Held In One’s Arms
안기게 됐는데요 – Ended Up Being Held In One’s Arms
안기다 – To be held, to be embraced
게 – Makes the verb passive (to be)
되다 – To become
는데요 – Ending used to explain a situation or give context
➡ Together: 안기게 됐는데요 means someone or something ended up being embraced or held by someone.
Store, Shop
상점 – Store, Shop
상 – Commerce, trade
점 – Store, shop
➡ Together: 상점 refers to a store or shop where goods are sold.
극적인 – Dramatic
극 – Extreme, intense
적 – Relating to, characteristic of
인 – Adjective-forming suffix
➡ Together: 극적인 means something is dramatic or intense.
Reunion, Emotional Meeting
상봉이 – Reunion, Emotional Meeting
상 – Mutual, together
봉 – Meet, come together
이 – Subject marker
➡ Together: 상봉이 refers to an emotional reunion, often between long-separated people or things.
Various Aspects, Different Perspectives
이모저모 – Various Aspects, Different Perspectives
➡ 이모저모 is a native Korean word (no Hanja) meaning “various aspects” or “different perspectives of a situation.”
Happening One After Another, Consecutively
잇따르면서 – Happening One After Another, Consecutively
잇따르다 – To happen in succession, to follow one after another
면서 – While, as (indicates simultaneous or causal action)
➡ Together: 잇따르면서 means that events are happening one after another, often implying an increase in frequency.
Preventive Measure
예방책 – Preventive Measure
예방 – Prevention
책 – Plan, strategy, measure
➡ Together: 예방책 refers to a measure or strategy taken to prevent something from happening.
Being Focused On, Attention Being Drawn To
쏠리고 있는 – Being Focused On, Attention Being Drawn To
쏠리다 – To be tilted, concentrated, or focused on something
고 있는 – Present continuous tense marker
➡ Together: 쏠리고 있는 means that attention, interest, or resources are currently being concentrated on something.
Elderly, Senior Citizens
고령자 – Elderly, Senior Citizens
고령 – Old age
자 – Person, individual
➡ Together: 고령자 refers to elderly people or senior citizens.
Sign, Label, Marker
표지 – Sign, Label, Marker
표 – Sign, mark
지 – Recognize, indicate
➡ Together: 표지 refers to a label, sign, or marker used for identification or instruction.
Perceived, Felt, Experienced
체감한 – Perceived, Felt, Experienced
체감 – Sensory perception, feeling, experience
한 – Past tense marker
➡ Together: 체감한 means something was physically or emotionally felt or perceived.
Surveyed, Investigated
조사됐습니다 – Surveyed, Investigated
조사 – Investigation, survey, research
되다 – Passive verb form (to be investigated, surveyed)
습니다 – Formal verb ending
➡ Together: 조사됐습니다 means a survey or research has been conducted.
Korea Transportation Safety Authority
한국교통안전공단 – Korea Transportation Safety Authority
한국 – Korea
교통 – Transportation
안전 – Safety
공단 – Public organization, authority
➡ Together: 한국교통안전공단 refers to the Korean government agency responsible for transportation safety.
Attachment, Affixing, Sticking On
부착이 – Attachment, Affixing, Sticking On
부착 – Attaching, affixing
이 – Subject marker
➡ Together: 부착이 refers to something being attached, such as a sticker, label, or device.
Improvement, Enhancement
향상 – Improvement, Enhancement
향 – Upward, progress
상 – Condition, state
➡ Together: 향상 refers to the process of improving or enhancing something.
Willingness, Intent to Do Something
의향 – Willingness, Intent to Do Something
의 – Intention, thought
향 – Direction, tendency
➡ Together: 의향 refers to one’s willingness or intention to do something.
Movement, Motion (Shortened Form)
움이 – Movement, Motion (Shortened Form)
움 – Movement, motion
이 – Subject marker
➡ Together: 움이 is a casual or shortened way of referring to movement or motion in conversation.
Outlook, Forecast
전망 – Outlook, Forecast
전 – Forward, ahead
망 – Look, view
➡ Together: 전망 refers to a forecast, prediction, or outlook for the future.
So-called, Nicknamed
이른바 – So-called, Nicknamed
➡ 이른바 is a native Korean word (no Hanja) used to introduce a commonly used but possibly informal or ironic term.
Will Be Introduced
도입됩니다 – Will Be Introduced
도입 – Introduction, adoption (of a system, policy, or technology)
되다 – To be (passive verb form)
습니다 – Formal verb ending
➡ Together: 도입됩니다 means that something will be introduced or implemented.
The Three Major Convenience Store Chains
편의점 3사 – The Three Major Convenience Store Chains
편의점 – Convenience store
3사 – Three companies (사 means “company” or “corporation”)
➡ Together: 편의점 3사 refers to the three biggest convenience store franchises in Korea (GS25, CU, and 7-Eleven).
Simple Payment, Easy Payment System
간편 결제 – Simple Payment, Easy Payment System
간편 – Simple, convenient
결제 – Payment, transaction
➡ Together: 간편 결제 refers to digital or mobile payment systems designed for ease of use.
Card Terminal, Payment Device
단말기 – Card Terminal, Payment Device
단 – End, terminal
말 – Speak, device
기 – Machine
➡ Together: 단말기 refers to a terminal or device used for electronic transactions, such as a credit card reader.
Biometric, Related to Body Features
생체 – Biometric, Related to Body Features
생 – Life, living
체 – Body, form
➡ Together: 생체 refers to biological characteristics, often in the context of fingerprint, iris, or facial recognition technology.
Reached, Achieved
달하고 – Reached, Achieved
달하다 – To reach, to achieve
고 – Connector meaning “and then” or “so”
➡ Together: 달하고 means reaching a certain number, level, or milestone.
Filter Out, Screen
걸러낼 – Filter Out, Screen
걸러내다 – To filter out, screen
➡ Together: 걸러낼 means to remove unwanted elements or filter through information, substances, or people.
Main Stores, Key Locations
주요 점포 – Main Stores, Key Locations
주요 – Major, main
점포 – Store, shop, outlet
➡ Together: 주요 점포 refers to key retail stores or important branches of a company.
First Half of the Year
상반기 – First Half of the Year
상 – Upper, first
반 – Half
기 – Period, term
➡ Together: 상반기 refers to the first half of a calendar or fiscal year (January to June).