Week 18: Interacting with Tough Content, Self-care, and Wellness Flashcards
Three questions for happiness
What makes us happy?
Why be happy?
Why is it hard to stay happy?
Can/should you be happy all the time
- toxic positivity
*We should be more positive though
Types of subjective wellbeing
- life satisfaction
- frequent positive feelings
- Rare negative feelings
*Tends to be consistent across life span
Inborn temperament
basis of one’s personality
*Biologically rooted
Greater wellbeing
How well our Inborn temperament fit with out environment
Personality and temperament
Personality results from interaction between inborn temperament and environment
Positive affect
negative feelings
Cognition on “Outlook”
Optimism, hope, gratitude, and positivity linked with positive well-being
Hope correlated with subjective well-being
Internal causes of wellbeing
- mediated relationship between hope/resilience and wellbeing
- Hope/resilience associated with happiness
5 resilience factors
- coping
- control and self-efficacy
- social relationships
- disposition and emotions
- stress management
coping - problem focused
addresses actual event
- outcomes under our control
coping - emotion focused
not as productive as problem focused
Control & Self efficacy
PERCEPTION of control is what’s beneficial
*improve immune function
*reduces stress
- self efficacy = believing you can do what is needed to achieve the goal
Social Support
Correlated with
- good mental health
- good physical health
Loneliness: leads to drug disorder
- lack of connection more dangerous than obesity, smoking, high blood pressure
More social support = less depression