Week 13: Reproductive System Pathologies Flashcards
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
- enlargement of the prostate gland
- may be called benign prostate hypertrophy but seem to be mainly more cells, not bigger
- common in men older than 60 years of age
- may cause the inability to empty bladder completely, leading to partial urinary tract obstruction, bilateral eternal dilation ad hydronephrosis
- us, mri, excretory urography/voiding cyst-gram for diagnosis
Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate Gland
- prostate cancer is the second most common malignancy in men
- almost all prostate cancers are adenocarcinoma
- may cause bladder neck obstruction, infiltration of the trigone, or invasive obstruction of ureters = potential obstruction of upper urinary tracts
- digital exam = finger in rectum, not digital imaging
- us, mri, excretory urography/voiding cystogram for diagnosis
Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate Gland Radiographic Appearance/Imaging Appearance
- radiographic appearance: irregular elevated base of bladder on voiding cystogram
- imaging appearance: transrectal (TR) us best technique to detect, mri for staging and determining
Uterine Fibroids
- leiomyomas
- benign smooth-muscle tumours that can vary in number and size
- growth of fibroid tumours stimulated by estrogen
- may put pressure on other organs if large
Uterine Fibroids Radiographic Appearance
- KUB: characteristic mottled, mulberry or popcorn calcification = smooth lobulated nodules, stippled (numerous dots or specks) or whirled (spiral or swirly)
- us/mri also used
Malignant Breast Disease - Adenocarcinoma of the Breast
- breast cancer is most common malignancy for women aged 44-50
- most often in UOQ (upper outer quadrant)
- many types of breast cancer, adenocarcinoma being the most common = develops from glandular cells in epithelia tissue involving the ducts or lobules
- may have lump, skin thickening, dimpling, nipple retraction
Adenocarcinoma of the Breast Radiographic Appearance
- poorly defined madd with areas of distortion and has irregular margins with numerous fine linear trends or spicules radiating from it (speculate/stellate)
- multiple small clustered (localized) calcification or micro-calcifications
- nipple retraction
- thickened skin
Breast Cancer In Situ
- in situ: the cancer cells remain confined to ducts or tubules
- sometimes referred to as non-invasive breast cancer
- DCIS: ductal carcinoma in situ
- LCIS: lobular carcinoma in situ
- gold standard
- full field digital mammography aided by AI systems (CAD) for tumour recognition
- DBT (digital breast tomosynthesis) now used commonly
- BI-RADS used
- almost all bread cancers appear as a mass and or clustered calcifications = prompt biopsy required, mag images may also be taken
Breast Biopsy
- fine needle aspiration (FNA) = removes fluid for analysis, uses mammo or us
- core biopsy (with or without vacuum assistance)
- surgical biopsy/open biopsy = suspicious lump removed and analyzed
Fibrocystic Breast Disease
- breast tissue thickens, cysts develop
- cyst = fluid filled sac, well circumscribed
- cysts may vary in size, number and composition (more fibrous tissue may be present in breast)
- cysts are usually bilateral in FBD
- cyst size change with menstrual cycle
- potentially painful, lumpy breasts
Fibrocystic Breast Disease Radiographic Appearance
- multiple cysts (roundish radiopaque masses) of varying sizes
- usually bilateral in FBD
Fibroadenoma of the Breast
- most common benign tumour
- consists of fibrous (connective) and glandular tissue
- smooth, round or oval, gently lobulated
- solid lesion
- not pre-cancerous
Cyst vs Fibroadenoma
- smooth, well circumscribed circular mass
- no spiculation (no invasion into surrounding tissue)
- may have halo surrounding
- us needed to differentiate cystic vs solid
- us shows fluid/cystic mass
- smooth, well circumscribed, often lobulated mass
- no spiculation
- popcorn calcification may be present
- us to differentiate cystic vs solid
- us shows solid mass
Female Infertility
- due to abnormal uterus, obstructed fallopian tubes, issues with eggs
- evaluated in 2 ways in DI: us or hysterosalpingogram