week 13 Flashcards
Cells make exact copies of themselves
Purpose of sexual reproduction
Needed for the perpetuation of the species
Each gamete contains
23 chromosomes each ,
Together making 46 chromosomes
Are specialized cells that are needed for sexual reproduction. Females produce eggs and males produces sperm
Female gonads
Male gonads
During sexual reproduction, the egg and sperm unite and the genetic material that is in both are combined
What a fertilized egg is called
When the zygote has implanted in the uterus
Starts as an embryo and a few weeks later it is a fetus
The ovaries
(Two of them) Contains eggs and blood vessels
Fallopian tubes
Are passageways for the egg to move from the ovary to the uterus
The uterus
Sits in the pelvic cavity, posterior and superior to the bladder
Is the inferior portion that goes into the vagina
Inside layer of the uterus
Sheds about every 28 days
Is a tube that serves multiple purposes
Consists of many different structures including the labia majors, labia minora, and clitoris
Ovarian cycle
Part of the menstrule cycle
Takes place in one of the ovaries
Release of mature egg, reabsorption of the leftover follicle
Uterine cycle
Part of the menstrual cycle
Takes place in the uterus
Builds up for implantation and then sheds
Estrogen and progesterone
They are released from the ovaries and are needed for the menstrual cycle
Luteinzinf hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone
Released by the pituitary gland and needed for menstrual cycle
Human chorionic gonadotropin (Hcg)
The fertilized egg releases this hormone
Ectopic pregnancy
Fertilized egg implants in the Fallopian tube causing bleeding. Must be surgically removed
Vagina becomes inflamed. Most often because bacteria or yeast or STI
Cervical cancer
Cancer is when there is a mutation in the cells and these cells keep multiplying and take over
Sac the testes glands sit in on the outside of the body
Sits on testis
where sperm mature
Vas deferens
Is a tube that meets up with the other vas deferens at the seminal vesicles
Ejaculatory duct
Comes off of the seminal vesicles and passes through the prostate towards the penis
Accessory glands
Seminal vesicles
Prostate gland
Bulbourethral glands
Delivers sperm to the outside and delivers urine to the outside
Process to produce sperm
Is a hormone that is released by the embryonic testes to make the fetus a male
Responsible for the changes in puberty
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Enlargement of the prostate
Enlargement blocks the passage of urine
It is controlled by
Negative feedback
Bulbourethral gland
Two pea-shaped glands in the man
Steroid hormones
female characteristics
Seminal vesicles
Secrete a fluid that is rich in nutrients called seminal fluid
Transports the sperm out of the body
Gonadotropin releasing hormone
Causes the pituitary gland in the brain to make and secrete the hormones LH and FSH
Luteinizing hormone
Helps control the menstrual cycle
further develop when fertilized
Egg production
Releasing of the mature egg
Regulating menstruation and supporting pregnancy