Week 12 Flashcards
Kidney has three main jobs
Filters blood
Reabsorbs and secrete ions
Produce urine
The main function of urinary system
To make urine
Controls the body’s fluid and electrolyte balance
eliminates waste products
The urinary system consists of
2 kidneys
2 Ureter
Urinary bladder
The urethra
Glomerular filtration
Blood from the renal artery is filtered in the glomerulus. The filtered product which contains water, salts, nutrients, waste products is called glomerular filtrate
Tubular Reabsorption
Substances stay in the body after being removed from urine
Tubular secretion
Substances move from the blood stream and are eliminated from the body in the urine
Renal capsule
The kidneys are covered by a fibrous layer of connective tissue
Renal hilum
The indentation that gives the kidney it’s bean shape
Renal arteries
Bring blood to the kidneys to be filtered
Renal veins
Take the filtered blood away from the kidney to go back to the heart
Bean-shaped organ located in the superior dorsal abdominal cavity that filter blood to make urine
A tube that Carrie’s urine from each kidney to the urinary bladder
Urinary bladder
Is basically an expandable sac that holds urine
Is a tube that transports urine from the bladder to the outside of the body
Renal cortex
Outer layer
This is where blood filtration occurs
Renal medulla
Middle layer
Composed of collecting tubules for the urine that I’d formed in the kidney
Renal pelvis
Inner later
A funnel, divided into 2 or 3 large collecting cups called major calyces
The blood is filtered
Filtrate through tiny tubules in the medulla and collects in the renal pelvis
The renal pelvis empties into the ureter where the filtered urine is carried to the bladder
Afferent arteriole
Leads to a ball of capillaries called glomerulus
Efferent arterioles
Leave from the glomerulus
Peritubular capillaries and collecting tubules
Specialized series of capillaries
Part of the renal nephron
Wrapped around the tube
Bowman capsule
Surrounds the glamerulus
Part of the nephron
The nephron
Functional unit of the kidney
Can be divided into two part
Renal corpuscle
Renal tubule
Renal corpuscle
The first part which is filtered
Double filter
Renal tubule
Where reabsorption and secretion take place
Glomerular filter
Material filtered from the blood unto the glomerular capsule
Nephron lobe or Loop of henle
From the proximal tubule, glomerular filtrate flows into
Consists of descending loop of henle and ascending loop of henle
Pass through glomerular capillaries into the glomerular capsule
Moves into nephron from blood
Filtrate flows into the renal tubules
Tiny blood vessels in the capillaries
went through the filter and into the glomerular capsule can be reabsorbed into peritubular capillaries
Is when substances move from the capillaries into the renal tubule and leave in the urine
Is how easy it is for substances (such as glucose) to pass through the wall
Kidneys role in homeostasis
Maintain electrolyte balance
Acid/base relationship
Hormones assist
Major calyx and minor calyx
Filtrate flows out of the collecting duct into the minor calyces and then into the major calyces
Urination reflex
Bladder fills, this stretch triggers urinary reflex, signal sent to brain.
Brain sends signals back to contract for bladder to empty
Urinary tract infections
Is caused by the movement of fecal bacteria into the urinary tract
The state or quality of a material or membrane that cause it to allow liquid or gasses to pass through it
Equalizing the concentration of both sides of the material
Spreading of something more widely