Week 12: Clinical procedures in production animals Flashcards
In terms of production animals, what is considered an emergency? Name five different cases?
- Toxic Mastitis
- Downer cow
- Reproductive cases - uterine prolapse & dystocia
- Laceration to udder or milk vein
- Airway obstruction
What is the admission process of a production animal
- Consent forms must be signed by the owner and filled out at the consultation
- Hospital charts must be filled out - daily
- Patients must be weighed daily
- Cages and pens must be cleaned daily
- fed daily
- medications must be given as per the chart
Your patient is about to undergo a surgery, how do you prepare for this type of surgery
Majority of surgery is done standing under local anaesthesia and sedation - the animal is restrained in a crush facility
Administer chemical restraint if required
clip the area
wash down with plain water and then prep with chlorhexidine wash
2nd prep with alcohol
3rd prep chlorhexidine concentrate and methylated spirits
local anaesthetic can now be administered
What procedures are required to optimise biosecurity
- wash boots of gross contaminants
- disinfect equipment and boots with F10 or virkon
- Change overalls between farms and patients
- remove overlls before getting into the car if heavily soiled
- wear examination gloves
- place in biosecurity bags and dispose of
- take care of personal hygiene
What is disbudding and what it the procedure
Disbudding is the removal of an animal horn.
important to weight the animal sedate and provide analgesia give a local block clip the area Use a hot iron antibiotic and fly spray reversal agent send patient home