week 11:MS Flashcards
The loss of ___ interferes with the ____ of impulses in the affected fibers. If affects ____,____, and __ nerves fibers in ___ patches throughout the NS
Myelin Conduction Motor Sensory Autonomic Diffuse
MS typically occurs in
Ages 20-50 and females more likely than males
CM of MS
Determined by the area of demyelination in each person
Blurred vision is a common early sign
Initial weakness in the legs
Sensory fiber damage= paresthesia, numbness, burning
CN damage= Diplopia, scotoma (spot in visual field), dysarthria
As the number of _____ build up with each exacerbation, progressive weakness and ____ extend to the _____ limbs resulting in loss of ___, bladder, and ___ and ___ dysfunction
Plaque Paralysis Upper Coordination Bowel Sexual
Complications related to ____ such as __ infections, ____ ___, and c___ are common as the disease develops. The person may also experience ____ or e____
Immobility Respiratory Pressure ulcers Contracture so Depression Euphoria
Types of MS
Benign Relapsing remitting Secondary chronic progressive Primary progressive Progressive relapsing
Relapsing remitting MS
Sx develop and resolve in a few weeks to months and the patient returns to baseline
During relapsing the patient reports loss of function and continuing development of new sx
Most patients develop secondary chronic progressive ms within 10 years
Secondary chronic progressive MS
Begins with the relapsing/ remitting course that later becomes STEADILY PROGRESSIVE
Primary progressive MS
Steady and gradual neurological deterioration WITHOUT REMISSION of sx
Ages 40-60 usually
Progressive relapsing MS
Characterized by frequent relapses with partial recover but not a return to baseline
Progressive cumulation of sx and deterioration occur over several years
Earliest ___ occur as an inflammatory response. Later, larger areas of inflammation and ___ termed ____ become visible
No definitive test
- Hx of exacerbation and remission, without presence of other neurological sx
- MRI studies are best for sx and monitoring and are able to detect lesions
- pt may have elevated gamma globulin and lymphocytes in the CSF
No specific treatment at this time
Glucocorticoids may help control acute sx during exacerbations
Balanced rest and activity and assistive devices
MS is a ___ ____ of neurons of the ____, ____ ____, and ___ ____. And is characterized by ___ and ____
Progressive demyelination Brain Spinal cord Cranial nerves Remissions Exhasterations