Week 10 Lecture 10 - Developing Culturally-Appropriate Psychosocial Interventions Flashcards
What is race?
*Biological basis
*Visible, physical differences
Often externally-classified:
* Distinguish between large groups of people
* Highlight commonalities ‘human race’
*May also be self-ascribed
What is ethnicity?
Social characteristics of a group:
* Faith/religion
* Language
* Traditions
- Common ancestry
*May share a distinctive culture - Some overlap with nationality
What is culture?
Non-biological/social aspects of human
*Norms, Values, Beliefs, Symbols
*Multi-cultural at individual level
In what ways do culture and social contexts shape an individual’s mental health?
- Symptoms, Presentation and Meaning
- Coping styles
- Family influences
- Help-seeking behaviours
- Stigma
- Trust
What does cultural formulation highlights the effect of culture on?
Symptom expression:
* Cultural Explanations ‘Models’ of mental
Definition of illness:
* Cultural factors related to the psychosocial environment
* What is acceptable?
* Impact of culture/cultural identity on the clinician patient relationship
True or False?
In terms of Sz, in the UK, Black African & Caribbean report worse
experience at every level of service
- More negative, coercive care pathways
– More compulsory detention (Mental Health Act)
– Higher doses psychotropic medication
– More seclusion, control & restraint
– Less psychological therapy
– Longer length of hospital stay
– More Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) - Lack of psychological interventions
What is AESOP?
Aetiology & Epidemiology of Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses (Murray, Fearon, Morgan et al)
Murray, Fearon, Morgan et al., conducted the first episode study of schizophrenia and other psychoses (F20-29, F30-33 (ICD-10)) using SCAN (AESOP study)
What was the method?
- Large, 2-year study in 3 centres: London,
Nottingham & Bristol (9m data) - Patient and carer interviews (32%) à biological, social, demographic and neuropsychological data
- 100+ individuals had a structural MRI brain scan
Murray, Fearon, Morgan et al., conducted the first episode study of schizophrenia and other psychoses (F20-29, F30-33 (ICD-10)) using SCAN (AESOP study)
What were the study aims?
- Elucidate the overall rates of psychotic
disorder in 3 UK cities - Confirm and extend previous findings of
raised rates of psychosis in certain migrant groups in the UK - Explore biological and social risk factors in these populations and their possible
Murray, Fearon, Morgan et al., conducted the first episode study of schizophrenia and other psychoses (F20-29, F30-33 (ICD-10)) using SCAN (AESOP study)
What was the study’s findings?
Compared with the baseline White British population:
- Incidence all psychoses higher in Black populations – African-Caribbeans IRR 6.7 (5.4-8.3)
– Black Africans: IRR 4.1 (3.2-5.3) - Narrowly defined schizophrenia (F20)
– African-Caribbean IRR 9.1 (6.6-12.6)
– Black African IRR 5.8 (3.9-8.4) - Manic psychosis (F30-31)
– African-Caribbeans IRR 8.0 (4.3- 14.8)
– Black Africans IRR 6.2 (3.1- 12.1) - Depressive psychosis (F32-32)
– African-Caribbeans: IRR 3.1 (1.5-3.6)
– Black Africans: IRR 2.1 (0.9-5.0).
Murray, Fearon, Morgan et al., conducted the first episode study of schizophrenia and other psychoses (F20-29, F30-33 (ICD-10)) using SCAN (AESOP study)
What are some potential explanations for the results of this study?
– Institutional racism in diagnosis?
– ‘Atypical psychosis’
Biological hypotheses
– Genetic predisposition
– ‘Migration hypothesis’
– Perinatal/obstetric factors
– Cannabis
Psycho-social hypotheses
– ‘Urbanicity’, social deprivation
– Impact of racism
– Attributional style
– Life events and childhood risk
Murray, Fearon, Morgan et al., conducted the first episode study of schizophrenia and other psychoses (F20-29, F30-33 (ICD-10)) using SCAN (AESOP study)
What was the research response to this study?
The Culturally-adapted Family Intervention
‘CaFI’ Study
What is Family Intervention (FI) recommended for by NICE? What does this achieve?
NICE recommends FI for schizophrenia and psychoses:
- Clinically- & cost-effective
- Reduces family tension
- Facilitates engagement & improved clinical care
- Reduces relapse/readmission rates
- Decreases lengths of stay in hospital
What are some issues with FI?
- Organisational and professional barriers prevent FI being offered
- African Caribbeans are doubly-disadvantaged due to high levels of
estrangement from their families
What should FI do?
- Include the person with psychosis or schizophrenia if practical
– Be carried out for between 3 months and 1 year
– Include at least 10 planned sessions
– Take account of the whole family’s preference for either single-family intervention or multi-family group
– Take account of the relationship between the main carer and the person with psychosis or schizophrenia
– Have a specific supportive, educational or treatment function and include negotiated problem solving or crisis
management work
What was the feasibility pilot of the CaFI study?
Culturally-acceptable Family Intervention
(CaFI), a 3-year NIHR (HS&DR) funded study to:
- Assess the feasibility of culturally-adapting, implementing and evaluating Family Intervention (FI) for African Caribbean service users diagnosed with schizophrenia and their families across a range of clinical settings.
- To test the feasibility and acceptability of delivering CaFI via ‘proxy families’ where biological families are not available.
What was phase 1 of CaFI?
1A Literature review
1B Focus groups
- Health professionals (n=7), service users (n=10), carers & advocates (n=14)
- Mixed group (n=11)
1C Consensus conference
- n=22: key ‘expert’ stakeholders
What was phase 2 of CaFI?
- Manual Development
- Training:
– Family therapists & co-therapists
– ‘Proxy families’
– Cultural competency for NHS staff & services
What was the method of phase 3 of CaFI?
Feasibility Study (Proof of Concept): Delivering & Evaluating CaFI
Primary outcomes: Recruitment, Retention, Completion
Recruited (n=30) African-Caribbean service users diagnosed with ‘schizophrenia’ and/or families:
– Rehab wards, acute wards, CMHTs (n=10 each)
Delivered 10 x 1 hour long CaFI sessions:
– ‘Shared learning’, stress management, problem-solving
- Collected outcome data
- Conducted fidelity study
- Collected qualitative & quantitative acceptability data
What was the sample of phase 3 of CaFI?
- 31 (42%) of 74 eligible service users
- 26 participated
- Majority:
– Recruited from community (n=21, 67.7%)
– Born in England (n=22, 78.57%)
– Had religious affiliations (n=22, 81.48%) ,
principally Christian (n=17, 77%)
– Male (n=21, 67.7%)
– Had GCSE or higher qualification n=23 (85.19%)
– ‘long-term sick’ or registered disabled (51.85%) - Mean age 43 (Range: 17 – 81, SD=13.77)
What was the findings of phase 3 of CaFI?
CaFI was acceptable to service users, their families, FSMs, and healthcare professionals.
- Over 80% service users agreed they:
– Had learned something new about psychosis during CaFI
– Knew more about where to get information
– Had a better relationships with relatives - Perceived benefits included:
– Increased confidence and self-esteem
– Greater insight into illness
– Improved symptoms
– Improved knowledge and understanding of services
– Better communication with family and health professionals
– Improved coping skills including
What is CaFI-2?
The effect on relapse of Culturally-adapted Family Intervention (CaFI) compared to usual care among Sub-Saharan African & Caribbean people diagnosed with psychosis in the UK: A Randomised
Controlled Trial
What was phase 1 in CaFI-2?
- Refine the intervention with key stakeholders
- New resources to facilitate delivery
– Develop CaFI:Digital in response to COVID-19
– Recruit and train therapists and co-therapists
– Recruit and prepare Family Support Members
* Peer support workers, community members
What was phase 2 in CaFI-2?
– RCT with internal 12-month pilot
– N=404 family units
– Economic & process evaluation
What are family skills programmes?
- aim to strengthen family protective factors e.g., communication that are relevant to their culture
- includes opportunities for parents and children to spend positive time together
- focus on relationships and behaviour in practice
What did a qualitative exploration of the challenges of parenting children in refugee contaxts find?
Challenges with:
- environment
- child specific –> changes in child behaviour
- parent specific –> loss of control, own emotions
What did the Bread Wrapper Study (inserting parenting leaflets into bread packets being delivered to refugee camps) find?
- people wanted support –> almost 60% return rate
- comments wanting more support