Week 1: Point Location, Needling, Anatomy Flashcards
Distance between angles of the hairline (ST-8-ST-8)
9 cun
Distance between mastoid processes
9 cun
Distance from tip of acromion process to midline of body
8 cun
Distance from end of axillary fold to transverse cubital crease
9 cun
Distance from nipple to nipple
8 cun
Distance from anterior axillary fold to tip of the 11th floating rib
12 cun
Distance from center of umbilicus to upper border of symphysis pubis
5 cun
Distance from prominence of greater trochanter to center of patella
19 cun
Distance from center of patella to pit of lateral malleolus
16 cun
Distance from upper border of symphysis pubis to medial epicondyle of femur
18 cun
Distance from lower border of medial epicondyle of tibia to tip of medial malleolus
13 cun
Full body measurement
75 cun
Distance from transverse gluteal fold to popliteal fossa
14 cun
Length of foot
12 cun
Tip of lateral malleolus to heel
3 cun
Anterior hairline to posterior hairline
12 cun
Posterior hairline to DU-14 (inferior border of C7)
3 cun
Glabella to anterior hairline
3 cun
Glabella to posterior hairline
15 hun
Distance between medial borders of left and right scapulas
6 cun
12th (11th) rib to greater trochanter
9 cun
Transverse cubital crease to transverse carpal crease
12 cun
Suprasternal fossa (CV-22) to Sternocostal angle (CV-17)
9 cun
level with iliac spine
level with the inferior border of the scapula
Anatomical Position: Body -
Anatomical Position: Feet
Slightly Apart
Anatomical Position: Palms -
Facing forward
Anatomical Position: Thumbs
Pointing away from the body
Further from the trunk
Closer to trunk
Surface level
Anitomical positioning
Standardized. Terms compare and depend on the relationship and context of the relationship.
Tissue said to house the channels
Have lub dub pulse
Depth of needles
Depends on location, fat, body make up
Yin and Yang
In harmony, always doing a dance for the natural order of fluxuation
Cun Measurement System
Always tailored to physiology and growth. Measurements are always definite, but the length of cun dependent on person.
the smooth part of the forehead above and between the eyebrows.
The Popliteal Fossa
is a diamond-shaped space behind the knee joint
The medial epicondyle of the femur
is an epicondyle, a bony protrusion, located on the medial side of the femur at its distal end. Right knee-joint. Anterior view.
Lateral malleolus
is the name given to the bone on the outside of the ankle joint, called the fibula.
The greater trochanter of the femur
is a large, irregular, quadrilateral eminence and a part of the skeletal system.
The anterior boundary
is called the anterior axillary fold and this is rounded in shape and formed by the lower border of the pectoralis major.
The acromion process
is the origin of the acromial head of the deltoid muscle, which courses distally and covers the scapular neck.
What is needling relative to?
Skin surface as opposed to absolute horizontal
Signs of Pneumothorax and causes
chest pain, tightness, cough, short breath, tachycardia, hypotension, sweating, loss of conciousness.
Needling space between pleaura layers can cause it
Organs to take care needling around
pleura, lungs, heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder
Pleurea layers
Parietal Pleurea: cover inside thoracic cavity (upper diaphragm and meadiastinum holding heart and great vessels)
Visceral Pleurea: covers each lung separately
Pleaural cavity
Potential space between layers of pleaura
Pleural cavity
Superclavicular fossa supperior to 8th rib in the mid clavicular line to 10th rib midline to 12 rib lateral to erector spinae
Resting lung position
2 rib spaces above pleural reflection anteriorly, medially, and laterally
Inferior surface of heart placement
rests on diaphragm particularly if enlarged
Liver location
under diaphragm in right subcostal area, extends to midline epigastric area
Spleen location
Beneath 9th, 10th, and 11th rib on left side. Deep to postero-lateral aspect of rib cage
Extends anteriorly and inferiorly if enlarged
Kidney Location and needle angle
Posterior abdominal wall, deep to paravertebral muscles between 12th thoracic and 3rd lumbar vertibrate
Needles obliquely towards spine vs perpendicular below BL 24
Arrival of qi vs blood vessel hit
Qi: heaviness, numbness, aching
Vessel: pain, sharpness
Venious bleeding pressure
1 minutes
Arterial bleeding pressure
3 minutes
How to count ribs
count from the 2nd downwards
How to count vertibrates
C7 down to T1-T9
How to locate L3
Put hands on sides of pelvis at the high point of iliac crest, wrap thumbs medially to midline between L3 and L4
Counting L4-L10
Count upwards from L5
Sacral formina
Openings concave anterior surface of the sacrum
Inner bladder location, back shu point line
1.5 cun lateral to midline on the highest point of paraspinal muscles
Sternocostal angle
(Reference point for many abdominal points)
Palpate for depression above xiphoid process and below sternum
Spleen and stomach channels on lower abdomen
Spleen: Below umbilicus 4 cun line measured from midline to lateral border of rectus abdominus
Stomach: at 2 cun line