Large Intestine Pt. 1 Flashcards
Large Intestine direction
Starts tip of index finger
Runs upwards along radial side of index finger and passes through interspace of 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones
Dips into depression between tendons of m. extensor pollicis longus and brevis
Follows lateral anterior aspect of forearm to lateral side of elbow
Ascends along lateral anterior aspect of upper arm to highest point of shoulder
Goes up to 7th CV along anterior border of acromion
Descends to superclavicular fossa to connect to lungs
Passes through diaphragm and enters LI
Branch of LI Channel
From superclavicular fossa runs upwards to neck, passes through cheek, enters gums of lower teeth,, curves around upper lip, crosses opposite meridian at philtrum. L meridian goes right and vice versa to both sides of nose where LI links to ST
LI Luo connecting channel
Starts at LI 6 and joins lung channel, ascends the arm through LI 15 to jaw and cheek, divides one branch to teeth and other to ear
LI Divergent Channel
Separates from LI channel on hand, ascends arm to shoulder at LI 15, travels medially to spinal column, crosses supraclavicular fossa and descends to thorx, breast, lung, LI.
A branch ascends from SCfossa along throat and unites LI with primary channel
LI Primary Channel enters the
gums and lower teeth
LI Primary channel crosses contralateral side of face at
LI Sinew Channel ascends to
Corner of forehead and crosses top of head to connect to opposite mandible
LU Luo-connecting channel enters
ear and teeth
LI Divergent channel descends to
LI sinew channel attaches to
upper thoracic spine
LI channel most important function
Clearing yang heat
LI 1 **
Shang Yang
Large intestine channel signs
Epistaxis, watery nasal discharge, toothache, congested/ sore throat, pain in neck, pain in anterior part of shoulder, pain in border oof lateral aspect of arm, borborygmus (growling stomach), abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery.
TCM Function
Controls passage and conduction
Transforms stool and re-absorbs fluid
5E Function
Regain essence, let go mundanity
Inspiration from self worth
Creates clear space to receive quality by letting go
LI Channel will treat
Regulate qi and blood in limbs, yangming disorders, ear disorders, expel wind, cold, heat, clear wind heat and fire poison from head, clear yangming heat that disturbs heart/shen, assit lungs in opening water passage.
LI Primary Channel descends to
Stomach 37 (lower he sea point of LI)
Which point is contraindicated for pregancy?
Lung 4
LI 1 Location
Radial side of index finger at corner of the nail
LI 1 Action
Loss of consciousness
Clears heat, reduce swell, alleviate pain
Works on opposite end of channel
LI 1 Indication
Main function: Sore throat
Submandibular swelling
Deafness/ tinnitus
Pain is shoulder and back
LI 2 Location
In the depression of the radial side of the index finger, distal to 2nd metacarpal-phalange joint
LI 1 Name
Shang Yang
LI 2 Action
Expels wind, heat, reduces swelling
LI 2 Indication
Sore throat
Eye disease/ blurred vision
Febrile disease
LI 1 Classification
Jing-Well (Metal horary point)
LI 2 Classification
Ying Spring (water)
LI 2 Name
Second Space
LI 3 Name
Third Space
LI 3 Classification
Shu-Stream (Wood)
LI 3 Location
Radial side of index finger, in depression proximal to head of second metacarpal bone
LI 3 Action
Expels wind and heat
Clears heat, benefits throat and teeth
Dispels fullness and treats diarrhea
LI 3 Indicaiton
Main use: Local pain
Ophthalmalgia (eye pain)
Sore throat
Redness and swelling of fingers
LI 4 Name
Joining Valleys
LI 4 Action
Regulates defensive qi, adjusts sweating
Expels wind, releases exterior
Regulates face, eyes, nose, mouth, ears
Activates channel, alleviates pain
Induces labor, descending action
Restores Yang
LI 4 Classificaiton
Yuan Source Point
Command Point of the Face and Mouth
LI 4 Location
On the dorsum of the hand, between 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, approximately in the middle of 2nd metacarpal bone on radial side
LI 4 Indication
Main point to release wind, open exterior
Opens and closes pores
Treats pain – yang yuan source point
Eyes, nose, tooth disorders
Prolonged labor
Painful obstructions and atrophy
LI 4 Contraindication
What point should be avoided for pregnancy?
LI 4
LI 5 Name
Yang Stream
LI 5 Location
: On the radial side of the wrist, in depression between tendons of m. extensor polices longus and brevis
LI 5 Classification
Jing River (Fire) Point
LI 5 Action
Clears heat, alleviates pain
Clears Yangming fire
Calms spirit
Benefits wrist joint
LI 5 Indication
Best for: wrist disorders, carpal tunnel
Best for: Yangming fire (fever, thirst, sweating, pulse) and face heat
Mania/ depression
Nose and ear issues
Aversion to cold
LI 6 Name
Veering Passage
LI 6 Location
LI 6 Classification
Luo-Connecting Point
LI6 Action
Expels wind, clears heat
Regulates lungs water passages
Removes obstructions from channel
Veers off to jaw and ears
LI 6 Indication
Red eyes
Pain in wrist
LI 7 Name
Warm Flow
LI 7 Classification
: Xi-Cleft Point
LI 7 Location
5 cun up from the wrist
LI 7 Action
Best: Acute Point
Clears heat, detoxifies poison
Regulates and harmonizes intestines and stomach
Clears yangming fire and calms spirit
LI 7 Indication
Swelling of face
Frequent laughing, seeing ghost
Abdominal pain
Aching shoulder/arm
Mouth ulcers
LI 8 Name
Lower Angle
LI 8 Classification
LI 8 Location
8 cun up from wrist crease
LI 8 Action
Mirrors ST-39 Lower He Sea
Harmonizes small intestines
Expels wind, clears heat
Clears Yangming fire, calms spirit
LI 8 Indication
Abdominal pain
Motor impairment in upper limbs
Breast abscesses
LI 9 Name
Upper angle
LI 9 Classification
LI 9 Indication
Aching shoulder
Motor dysfunction
Abdominal pain
Chest pain
LI 9 Action
Harmonizes the Large Intestine
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
LI 9 Location
9 cun up from wrist crease
LI 10 Location
10 cun up from wrist crease
LI 10 Classification
LI 10 Action
Regulates qi and blood, activates channel, alleviates pain
Harmonizes the intestines and stomach
LI 10 Indication
Main function: Invigorate qi and blood in upper arm
Abdominal pain
Motor impairment and pain in shoulder
Toothache with swollen check
Pain in shoulder and back
LI 10 Name
Arm Three Mile