Ren Star Part Two Flashcards
Ren 14 Name
Great Gateway
Ren 14 Location and Needling
Location: 6 cun above umbilicus
Needling: 0.3-0.8 in perp
Ren 14 Actions
Regulates the heart and alleviates pain
Descends lung qi and unbinds the chest
Transforms phlegm and calms the spirit
Harmonizes the Stomach and descends rebellion
Ren 14 Caution
Deep insertion, especially in thin, may damage left lobe of liver or heart if either is enlarged. Oblique superior insertion towards the heart is contraindicated in all cases.
Ren 15 Name
Turtledove Tail
Ren 15 Classification (Not Needed)
Yuan Source of the Gao Huang (disease between heart and diaphragm)
Yellow Court where one stores things they don’t want to deal with
Ren 15 Location and Needling
Location: 7 cun above umbilicus
Needling: 0.4-0.6 in Obliquely Down
Ren 15 Action
Regulates the Heart and calms the Spirit
Descends Lung Qi and unbinds the chest
5E: Heart pain, trauma, death, dissociation
Ren 15 Caution
Caution: Deep insertion, especially in thin, may damage left lobe of liver or heart if either is enlarged. Oblique superior insertion towards the heart is contraindicated in all cases.
Ren 17 Name
Chest Center
Ren 17 Classification
Sea of Qi (Along with St9, Du14, Du15)
Hui Meeting Point of Qi
Front Mu of the Pericardium
Ren 17 Location and Needling
Location: level with 4th intercostal space
Needling: 0.3-0.5 Subc
Ren 17 Actions
Regulates Qi and unbinds the chest
Descends rebellion of the Lung and Stomach
Benefits the gathering Qi
Benefits the breasts and promotes lactation (along with SI1, St18, Ren17)
Ren 17 Indications
Trouble Speaking/ weakness
Pair with P6 to open chest
5E: Spreads influence of heart: love, order, peace
Ren 22 Name
Heavenly Prominance
Ren 22 Location and Needling
Location: Center of the suprasternal fossa
Needling: puncture perp at 0.2 in then insert needle tip downward along posterior aspect of the sternum 0.5-1.0 inch
Ren 22 Classification
Window of the Sky
Ren 22 Actions
Descends rebellious Qi and alleviates cough and wheezing
Benefits the throat and voice
Cautions: do not attempt without clinical experience under supervision
Ren 22 Add Info
Add info:
Expels phlegm
Insubstantial phlegm with Plum Pit Qi
Grief can get stuck there