Week 1 - Family Centered Care Flashcards
What did Coyne et al. argue about reframing our approach to children’s healthcare?
They argue that a family-centred approach should be replaced by a child-centred approach because…
1 - parent and professional dominance takes focus away from the child
2 - Renewed efforts to promote principles of UN human rights are necessary
3 - It is necessary to view the child as an agent representing their own experiences.
What did Coyne et al. argue about ways to enhance family-centred care?
There are inconsistencies with its provision and increased resources, appropriate education, and support from managers and other disciplines is necessary to provide good quality family-centred care.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child highlights rights of children in which three areas?
Survival & Developmental rights, protection rights, participation rights.
What are some challenges with this UNCRC quote about children’s best interest?
“In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a
primary consideration.”
Children might not agree with the approach of the institutions or parents advocating for them, which can lead to challenges or conflict when they are responsible for deciding and enacting what is in the “child’s best interest”
What are some challenges with the following UNCRC quote?:
“State Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child.”
Children who are unable to find ways communicate or who feel safe to do so will not be able to express their values. Additionally, children’s values do not exist in a vacuum and are likely affected by their parents.
What is the Family Systems Theory?
A theory wherein the family is viewed as a unit and interactions among members are studied, rather than the individuals. The family system is part of a large system and composed of many subsystems. The family as a whole is greater than the sum of its individual members.
What is the Developmental or Family Life Cycle Thoery?
The theory that families move through stages and that the family life cycle is the context to examine the identity and development of the individual. Although roles change, the main value is that relationships are irreplaceable.
What is the family stress theory?
Concerned with internal and external stresses that effect the family.
What is the McGill model of nursing as a family theory?
Strength-based focus in clinical practice to help family identify and elicit strengths. Particularly relevant with childbearing families, as pregnancy can be considered a teachable moment.
What is the Collaborative Partnership Approach Family Theory?
Develops a collaborative partnership approach: the pursuit of person-centered goals through dynamic process that requires the active participation and agreement of all partners.
Involves sharing expertise and power, being respectful, accepting, and non-judgmental.
What is another word for anaclitic depression?
Separation anxiety