Week 1 Flashcards
General arrangement of the trunk and the bony rib cage and sternum
Label the main stages of the development of the embryo
What stage is this? What week does it occur in? label it
Blastocyst stage
Week 1 day 6
- Blastocyst cavity
- Inner cell mass
- Outer cell mass
- Zona Pellucida
Label the parts of the blastocyst. What week does this happen?
- Blastocyst Cavity
- Inner cell mass
- Outer cell mass
- Zona Pellucida
What is the two layered embryo known as? What week does this happen? Label the main parts
Bilaminar Disc: Week 2
- Developing Amniotic Cavity
- Epiblast
- Hypoblast
What is the three-layered embryo known as? What week does this happen? Label the layers, including what they were formally known as.
Trilamina Disc: Week 3
- Ectorderm (formally eipiblast)
- Mesoderm (newly created)
- Endoderm (formally hypoblast)
How does the long axis develop? What week does This happen? Label the embryo
Process of gastrulation: Cells from epiblast multiply and migrate through the opening known as the primitive streak.
Week 3
- Primitive Streak
- Endoderm
- Mesoderm
- Ectoderm
What will the following layers become:
Ectoderm: (outer layer) Skin (epidermis only), Hair, Nails, Sebaceous glands and Nervous system.
Mesoderm: (middle layer), Connective tissue, muscle, kidneys and gonads
Endoderm: (Inner Layer), Lining of gut tube (except mouth and anus), Lining of lungs (e.g. Trachea, Bronchi and Alveoli), Glands that branch of gut tube (E.g. Liver, Pancreas), Urinary bladder and Trachea
What is the part highlighted in blue? What layer is it growing in? What is its purpose? What does it become the template for?
The Notochord:
- A rod-like structure which grows deep in the mesodermal layer
- As the notochord develops it elongates the trilaminar disc to produce a distinct long axis of between the cranial and caudal ends
- This becomes a template for bilateral symmetry
Label the following developing cross section through the embryonic disc.
Breifly explain the different components of the middle layer (what will they become)?
A. Ectoderm, B. Mesoderm, C. Endoderm
1. Limb Buds: Future limbs
2. Paraxial Mesoderm: (runs parallell to axis) Cartilage, Skeletal Muscle and Dermis
3. Lateral Plate Mesoderm: Body wall, wall of gut, Heart and circulatory system
4. Intermediate Mesoderm: Kidneys and Gonads
Label it. What have they been derived from? What is the point of them? What will they differentiate into?
The Somites:
- Derived from the paraxial mesoderm (each side of the notochord)
- Responsible for the segmentation of the embryo
The Somites will differentiate to form:
- The Axial skeleton (Ribs, sternum, vertebrae, hyoid, skull bones)
- The Associated musculature (Muscles of the back and body wall)
- The associated connective tissue (Ligaments, Tendons, and dermis)
List the bony components of the thorax?
- Sternum
- 12 pairs of ribs
- 12 thoracic vertebrae
What type of cartilage is at the end of each rib connecting them to the sternum? What features does this type of cartilage display? What is the cartilage reffered to when in relation to the ribs?
Hyaline cartilage:
Contributes to elesticity and flexibility
- Known as costal cartilage when in relation to the ribs
Which ribs attach directly to the sternum? Which ribs attach indirectly? What is the “network” of cartilage that indirectly attaches these ribs to the sternum?
1-7 are direct
8 - 10 indirect and the cartilage network that indirectly joins them is known as the costal margin?
Label the 3 sections of the sternum
- Manubrium
- Body of sternum
- Xiphoid Process
How does the sternum ossify? what classification of bone is it?
Flat bone
The sternum ossifies through a process known as segmental endochondral ossification.
There are 6 ossification centres which fuse by the age of about 25
Manubrium: 1
Body: 4
Xiphoid Process: 1
Label the image. What is the difference in attachment type between parts labelled 3 and 4? What type of a facet is “4” known as?
- Jugular or suprasternal notch
- Clavicular notches (SAY LEFT OR RIGHT)
- 1st Costal notch (SAY LEFT OR RIGHT)
- 2nd Costal notch (SAY LEFT OR RIGHT)
The difference between the 1st and 2nd costal notch is the 1st costal notch is rough and part of a cartilagenous attachment for rib 1, Whereas the 2nd costal notch is smooth and part of a synovial attachment for rib 2.
The 2nd Costal notch is known as a demifacet (2 half facets)
What is the name of this JOINT? is the surface rough or smooth and why? and what import surface land mark does the anterior angle make up?
The manubriosternal joint
Rough surfaces “joined” by a fibrocartilaginous pad
This makes up the sternal angle (angle of louis)
Label the borders of the sternum body.
- Superior border
- Lateral Borders
- Inferior border