Week 1 Flashcards
Gram Stain Steps (5)
Crystal Violet
Iodine (Red)
Decolorizer (+ remain purple, - becomes clear)
Safranin (+ remain purple, - becomes redpink)
Describe the cell wall of a gram positive bacterium (4)
Thick peptidoglycan layer (Positive, Purple, Peptido)
Teichoic acid
Lipoteichoic acid
Sensitive to lysozyme
Describe the cell wall of a gram negative bacterium (4)
Thin peptidoglycan layer
Periplasmic space
Outer membrane
2 parts of lipopolysaccharide
Lipid A (Endotoxin) O antigen
6 organisms that are neither gram positive nor negative
Mycobacteria Mycoplasma Nocardia Spirochaetes Rickettsia Chlamidya (My My! No spanking Rhianna's Clam)
Gram positive cocci in clusters
Gram positive cocci in clusters, coagulase positive
Staphylococcus aureus
All S. aureus produce
S. aureus are naturally found
on the skin
Gram positive cocci in clusters, coagulase negative
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Some S. epidermidis produce
Gram positive cocci in chains
Streptococcus and Enterococcus
Gram positive cocci in chains, beta-hemolytic
Strep groups A + B
Group A Strep species
S. pyogenes
Group B Strep species
S. agalactiae
S. pyogenes is _________ to bacitracin
S. pyogenes is naturally found on / in
S. pyogenes systemic treatment
PCN +/- clindamycin
S. agalactiae is naturally found in
S. agalactiae systemic treatment
Gram positive cocci in chains, alpha-hemolytic (2)
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus viridans
S. viridans is naturally found in
the mouth
S. viridans systemic treatment
PCN, clindamycin
Gram positive cocci in chains, may be alpha- or gamma-hemolytic