ID formative 1 Flashcards
A 22 year old man has a 24 hr history of pain and swelling of his left testis. A Gram stain of material from his urethra shows numerous neutrophils and bacteria.
Which of the following applies to this scenario?
Activation of innate immunity caused by bacterial LPS
For which of the following pathogens is there a currently available vaccine?
Yellow fever arbovirus
Hepatitis B virus is a blood-borne viral pathogen that infects hepatocytes. This infection can be prevented by vaccination with hepatitis B surface antigen, a subunit of the virus. Which of the following is the best explanation for how this vaccine works to prevent infection?
Antibody in blood binds HBSAg on the virion and blocks attachment of the virus to hepatocytes.
An 80 yo female patient in chronic renal failure presents to clinic with a fever and cough. Vital signs are currently stable, except for mild fever. Development of what complication is of particular concern?
systemic inflammatory response syndrome
A patient with acute lymphocytic leukemia, while on chemotherapy, develops a crater-like ulceration on the skin with surrounding inflammation. Aerobic and anaerobic cultures are taken. What is the most likely morphology and staining characteristic of the predominant organism?
gram negative rods
A 52 yo male patient presents with extensive cellulitis of the lower extremity. Vital signs reveal a temperature of 40 degrees C., HR 98, RR 22, BP 98/56. CBC reveals elevated white count with absolute neutrophilia and decreased platelets. Which of the following is foremost in the differential diagnosis?
toxic shock
The six yo female child of a local dairy farmer presents with flu-like illness and diarrhea. Of note in the history, the family enjoys consuming raw milk for breakfast. Others in the family have also reported intermittent episodes of mild diarrhea. What is the most likely causative organism for this child’s clinical syndrome?
A two year old male child presents with clinical signs and symptoms of otitis media. He is treated with normal dose Amoxicillin. He has a clinical cure in 7 days. What was the most likely causative organism?
Streptococcus pneumoniae
You see a 27 year old male patient in clinic with history of severe watery diarrhea for three days and recent travel to the Louisiana coast. Gram stain of stool shows comma shaped Gram negative rodlike organisms. What is the most likely infecting organism?
Vibrio cholera
A nine year old male child with relative IgG deficiency presents with a warm, raised, rapidly progressive red rash on his right lower arm. What is the most likely causative organism?
Streptococcus pyogenes
The Lancefield groups are commonly used for identification and classification of Streptococci. This classification is based upon which of the following?
cell wall carbohydrates
A 24 yo female patient sees you in clinic with chief complaint of a red swollen ankle and fever. Her white count is elevated. Past medical history suggests that she was treated about six weeks ago for an STD, but she never finished her medication. Which of the following are foremost in your differential diagnosis?
septic arthritis
A 23 yo male patient presents to clinic with symptomatic urethritis accompanied by a whitish drainage. Gram stain of the material shows Gram negative intracellular diplococci. What disease/organism is most likely represented by this laboratory finding?
A 52 year old female patient is recovering from complicated pyelonephritis in the hospital. She develops diarrhea and subsequently grows Clostridium difficile from a stool culture. What is the most likely cause of this infection?
prolonged antibiotic use
You see a 37 yo otherwise healthy female patient with ongoing fever and facial pain. She was seen 5 days ago and given amoxicillin but has not improved. What is the most likely infecting organism?
Hemophilus influenza
A 17 yo male is concerned about having contracted an STD. Which of the following is currently used most frequently to diagnose Chlamydial and gonococcal infections?
nucleic acid amplification
A 23 yo college senior comes to see you in the student health clinic because of a bad cough and fatigue. She is still managing to attend classes, despite feeling ill. A chest x-ray reveals evidence of a duffuse, interstitial pneumonitis. What is the most likely causative agent?
Mycoplasma pneumonia