Week 1 Flashcards
motor development
concerned with learning and performance of skilled actions
what are the 3 constructs of motor development?
the interactions between the individual, task and the environment
what does motor development consider?
- perception and action relationships
- models of constraints
what is motor development based on?
work from early psychology (study of learning)
- neuroscience
- physiology
factors that affect movements?
- person
- environment
- task
what are principles of motor control and learning applied to?
- coaching and teaching
- rehabilitation
- surgical skills training
- ergonomic
- robotics
how can we study movement?
- cell level
- system level
- behavioural level
behavioural level of analysis
based on research in movement pedagogy
- psychology
- kinesiology
- neuroscience
- neurophysiology
what did George Berkeley (1709 state in the New Theory of VIsion?
a being with perfect sight but “devoid of the sense of touch” could not develop the ability to perceive 3 dimensions
systematic classification of movement published by woodworth in 1899
ballistic (based on what was planned) phase of movement and an online (can correct movement) control phase
- still reflected in movement today
motor learning linked to thorndike (1914)
concerned with the processes underlying the learning skills
what law is from thorndike (1914)?
law of effect
law of effect
- responses that are rewarded tend to be repeated
- responses that are not rewarded tend not to be repeated
Hull theory (1943)
fatigue as a result of practice is the mechanism underlying learning
- psychology abandoned motor learning after this theory proved not to be true
does more tired mean more leaning
franklin m. henry
- revived the field
- development of motor programming theory
- development of the concept of motor abilities
integration with neural movement control
- physiology of sensory organs in the muscle
- joint angle receptors
motor learning
a set of processes associated with practice or experience that leads to a relatively permanent change in the capability of movement
motor control
an area of study dealing with the understanding of the neural, physical and behavioural aspects of movement