Week 1 Flashcards
Marx vs Durkheim
- division of labor and capital causes conflicts
- rising conflicts: iron law
- Culture depends on structure
- division of labor (and capital) causes harmony
- rising conflicts can be avoided by a more rational type of organization
- culture depends on structure
According to Marx, culture is based on structure and the division of labor causes conflicts. It causes people who have a lot of capital to embrace free market capitalism. And this causes the proletariat to embrace all kinds of ideas about solidarity, economic redistribution, etc. Based on the position you occupy in society, you are encouraged to embrace certain ideas.
On the other hand, Durkheim believed that division of labor causes harmony. If it does not work, then organizations need to be readdressed, redefined, tailored to society’s needs through rationalization and then conflict will be avoided. This depends on the societal structure. Culture depends on structure.
mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity
mechanical solidarity: people are similar, pre industrial society where people share same values and beliefs, family network, they trust each other, they do not need to think about what others are doing
organic solidarity: emerges namely a type of society based on mutual interdependencies. The solidarity is based on the idea that each organ trusts the other in order for the body to perfectly function. Society is a living body characterized by separate parts that together function harmoniously. Each person fulfills its task and this makes it possible for society to work efficiently.
Noem de onderdelen van de cultural turn in sociology
◦ Aimed to counter / overcome such a positive logic (idea that you need to observe phenomena to gather knowledge and develop a theory)
◦ Places cultural meanings and understanding of who are studied central…
◦ Central feature:
◦ Social life cannot have any deeper meaning than those of the participants in social life themselves. Instead of assuming, you try to comprehend why that happened by asking people who experienced that situation. Ex: a person reacts to a situation, you cannot assume that is due to poverty. You need to ask the person itself why that occurred.
◦ Culture as a ‘hard’ variable instead of a ‘soft’ one - sub-cultures and individual explanations make it hard to understand it
◦ Cultural sociologists try to see what is around them and what meanings you can give to facts instead of relying on theories fostered by Marx or other philosophers.
het idee dat mensen gelijk zijn of zouden moeten zijn in een bepaald opzicht met betrekking tot economische en politieke besluitvorming
social fact
Social fact is what makes us react strongly to people who deviate from social attitudes. For example, people in other countries who have no established home, and instead wander from place to place and take odd jobs. Western societies tend to view these people as odd and strange based on our social facts, when in their culture, what they’re doing is completely normal. A social fact consists of collective thoughts and shared expectations that influence individual actions. –> group thinking decides what is wrong or right
Het Hawthorne-effect is het effect van een interventie op een onderzocht persoon dat uitsluitend te wijten is aan het feit dat deze aan een onderzoek meedoet. Het effect zou meestal positief zijn. Zo zouden onderzochte werknemers meer gaan produceren of minder klachten rapporteren.
Leg uit waarom culture een independent variable is, naast een dependent variable
If you publish an experiment somewhere and republish it somewhere else, it does not work (replication crisis). People use different moral judgments to evaluate a situation based on culture, age, etc. People react differently to stimuli. voorbeeld uit hc: als je in een samenleving leeft waarin het voor mensen heel normaal is om te liegen zullen ze daar waarschijnlijk een leugendetector test makkelijk halen, terwijl dat in een andere samenleving niet zou zijn. Het is in de eerste samenleving niet moreel onjuist dus je gaat bijvoorbeeld niet zweten etc. De uitkomst van de test zal dus in beide samenlevingen verschillende uitkomsten hebben.
Cultural sociology (Houtmann)
Cultural Sociology: This subfield of sociology focuses specifically on the study of culture and how culture affects social structures and processes. It examines how culture is produced, represented and experienced in different social contexts.
Waarom moet je volgens Houtmann kwantitatieve data gebruiken binnen de culturele sociology
- Objective Observations: Quantitative analyses provide a way to study culture in a systematic and objective manner. This helps in gaining general insights and discovering patterns in cultural data.
- Comparability: Quantitative data allows researchers to compare culture in different contexts. This is useful for identifying cultural trends and understanding variations across groups and societies.
- Policy implications: The use of quantitative data can also contribute to policy making by providing insights into cultural preferences and needs of different populations.
Wat is de contacttheorie (van Allport) en noem de 4 voorwaarden (uit het artikel van manevska)
Contact theory, introduced by psychologist Gordon Allport in 1954, states that under specific conditions, contact between members of different social groups can reduce prejudice and conflict. Allport identifies four crucial conditions for effectively reducing hostility and promoting mutual understanding between groups:
- Equal Status: Members of the groups involved must interact on an equal basis to avoid power dynamics that may reinforce prejudice.
- Shared Goals: There should be cooperation among groups to achieve common goals, creating a sense of belonging and dependence.
- Support from Authorities: There must be institutional and social support for contact, such as through policies that promote diversity and combat discrimination.
- Individual Interaction: There should be opportunity for personal and direct interaction between members of different groups to break down stereotypes and prejudices.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Wat zijn volgens manevska de argumenten tegen de contacttheorie
- beperkingen van bewijs
- kwantitatieve evaluatie
- culturele en sociologische context ontbreekt
- overige zaken zoals: gebrek aan socio-economische context, institutionele veranderingen, educatie en bewustwording, sociale bewegingen
Meta-analyse: Dit is een statistische techniek die de resultaten van meerdere studies samenvoegt om tot een algemeen overzicht van het bewijs te komen. De kwaliteit van de meta-analyse is sterk afhankelijk van de kwaliteit van de studies die worden samengevoegd, en als deze studies methodologisch zwak zijn, zal de meta-analyse dat ook zijn.
confounding variabelen
confounding variabelen, zoals sociaaleconomische status, opleidingsniveau, en culturele achtergrond. Dit verwijst naar een variabele die een andere variabele beïnvloedt en daardoor de uitkomst van een studie kan vertekenen. Het niet adequaat controleren voor confounders kan leiden tot foutieve conclusies over de relatie tussen variabelen.