week 1 Flashcards
What does AUST R mean on medication packaging?
It is a registered medication with the TGA
What is the TGA?
Therapeutic drugs administration
What is genotoxicity?
genotoxicity is the ability of harmful substances to damage genetic information in cells
What does carcinogenicity mean?
The drugs likelihood it will produce cancer.
What does carcinogenicity mean?
The drug’s likelihood that it will produce cancer.
What does pharmacovigilance mean?
It is the practice of monitoring the effects of medical drugs after they have been licensed for use, especially in order to identify and evaluate previously unreported adverse reactions.
What type of medication is schedule 2?
Pharmacy-only medicine
What type of medication is schedule 3?
Pharmacist-only medicine/Over the counter
What type of medication is schedule 4?
Prescription-only medicine
What type of medication is schedule 8?
Controlled drugs
What does AUST L mean on medication packaging?
It is a listed medication
What does CMI stand for?
Consumer medicine information
The use of multiple medications
What does QUM mean?
Quality use of medications
What does HMR mean?
Home Medicines Review