Weather Information Flashcards
Most Wx occurs in what region of the atmosphere ?
Troposphere (up to 36,000 ft)
59F to -70F
What are standard temps and pressure at sea level ?
15C and 29.92 Hg
What are ISO Bars ?
areas of equal or constant barometric pressure
If ISO Bars close together on surface or pressure chart….
stronger pressure gradient
What does dew point mean ?
Temperature at which a column of air must be cooled to attain saturation.
When Temp and Dew point are close together (5 degrees F) what Wx is likely ?
Clouds, dew, or fog.
Ideal for Carb Icing
What factor determines the type and vertical extent of the clouds ?
Stability of the the atmosphere
Explain the difference between stable atmosphere and unstable atmosphere
depends on ability to resist vertical motion.
Stable atmosphere resists vertical motion.
Dampens out disturbances
How can you determine stability of atmosphere ?
When temperature decreases uniformly, approaching 3 degrees per 1000 ft, you have unstable air.
If temperature remains unchanged or decreases slightly, air tends to be stable.
What are the effects of stable and unstable air on clouds, turbulence, precipitation and visibility ?
Clouds Stratiform Cumuliform
Turb Smooth Heavy
Precip Steady Showery
Visibility Poor Good
What are characteristics of air flow around Low and High Pressure systems in Northern Hemisphere ?
Low: Inward, upward, counter-clockwise
High: Outward, downward, clockwise
What Wx can be expected flying towards a Low Pressure system ? A High Pressure system ?
Low pressure is characterized by rising air, conducive to clouds, precip, and bad Wx.
High pressure is characterized by descending air, favors good weather.
Describe different types of Fronts ?
Cold Front: Cold dense air replaces warm air
Occluded Front: Fast moving cold front catches up with Slow moving warm front
Warm Front: Boundary area when warm air mass contacts and flow over colder air mass
Stationary Front: Relatively Equal air masses boundary is stationary
What are general characteristics of Wx operating near a Cold Front ?
As Front passes, Cumulus, cumulonimbus, heavy rain lightning thunder hail tornadoes Temp/Dewpoint equal rapid pressure drops
What are general characteristics of Wx operating near a Warm Front ?
as front passes stratiform clouds drizzle low ceilings poor viz variable winds rise in temperature
What is a Trough ?
elongated area of relatively LOW pressure
What is a Ridge ?
elongated area of relatively HIGH Pressure
What is primary means of obtaining Wx ?
1-800-WX-Brief (24Hrs) FSS Briefer
What are examples of other sources of Wx ?
Foreflight,, DUATS (Lockheed)
Does the Wx provided by 3rd party satisfy 91.103 requirements ?
It might not. May have different Quality Control. Would check with FAA Flight service specialist
What types of Wx briefings are available from FSS briefer ?
Standard (Request for Full report)
Abbreviated (request for supplemental)
Outlook (6+ hours or more)
Inflight (122.2)
What info should Wx preflight include ?
Adverse conditions VFR not recommended Synopsis Current Conditions Enroute Forecast Destination Forecast Winds Aloft Notices to Airmen ATC Delay Info on Special use Airspace
What is FIS-B ?
ground based Wx broadcast via ADS-B 978 MHz UAT
Can FIS-B be used to navigate TS ?
No, delayed info
What is HIWAS ?
inflight Wx on NAVAIDS for SIGMETS, Convective SIGMETS, CWAs, AIRMETS, URGENT Pireps.
What is ATIS ?
broadcast of repetitive info regarding aerodrome, terminal information service. (ATIS)
What’s included in ATIS broadcast ?
time of latest Wx ceiling viz obstructions to viz, temperature dew point wind (magnetic) velocity altimeter runway/approach in use
While enroute, how to obtain Wx info
FSS on 122.2 XM FIS-B ATIS HIWAS ATC workload permitting
What is a METAR ?
hourly routine Wx report
Describe types of Wx reporting.
AWOS (Automated Weather Observation_
ASOS (Automated Surface Observation)