Emergency Procedures Flashcards
Describe a spin.
aircraft descending in a circular path while AOA exceeds critical AOA
When might a spin occur ?
EO on TO with turn back to RNWY Base to Final EO on final, pilots attempts to stretch for RNWY GOA with full pwr and nose up GOA flaps retract to soon with sink rate
How to recover from spin ?
Power Back Neutral stick (ailerons) Opposite rudder Stick forward to break spin gain airflow Neutralize the Rudder
What does AFT CG do to spin characteristics ?
Harder to recover from spin
What is the load factor in a spin ?
1) low airspeed
2) pivot rather than turning
What is procedure for EO on Takeoff ?
Ground stay on ground 0-600 Land in front (45 degree left/right) 600 AGL - 2000 AGL - Chute Cut Fuel 2000 back to the airport cut fuel nose down to land maintain positive control
What is EO procedure while enroute ?
Vg = 92 kts HDG change towards field switch fuel tanks mag check boost pump throttle 1/2 mixture as required
What is Vg
best Glide speed. 92 kts
What are the issues with turning back to runway after EO on Takeoff at 300 AGL.
do not have the altitude to turn 270 degrees. if standard rate turn of 3 degrees per sec.. that’s 90 seconds… at 500 FPM, your looking at 750 ft required. Short by 450 ft. Not to mention reaction time, tendency for steeper turns increasing load factor and stall. Probably hit the ground while banking.
What is the emergency landing procedure ?
2000 AGL ? Chute ? best glide speed 121.5 Mayday Squawk 7700 Activate ELT Power Idle Mixture Off Fuel off Fuel pump off Ignition Off
Procedure for Engine Fire During Starting ?
If starts: High RPM, then Shut down
If not Start: Throttle Full, Mixture Off, continue start to extinguish via vacuum
If fire continues: fire extinguisher; master off, ignition off fuel off.
Procedure for Engine Fire in Flight ?
Emergency Descent Fuel mixture, pump, selector off cabin Airflow off Power lever off ignition off doors partially open checklist
Procedure for Electrical Fire in flight
O2 off AC off VFR Batt-Alt Master switches off IFR leave Batt2 on Fire Extinguisher Cabin doors partial open Avionics off checklist
How does an engine fire typically occur ?
leaking fuel or oil contacting the exhaust manifold
Procedure for wing fire in flight ?
Pitot switch off Nav light off Landing Light off strobe off side slip to keep flames away from cabin checklist land ASAP
PFD Failure ?
Display backup
ADC failure ?
Check breakers; reset. If pops again, do not reset Checklist Revert to Standby instruments Verify by maneuvering slightly and check Land
AHRS failure ?
Verify backup AHRS in use
Check Breakers; reset.. if pops again, do not reset
Be prepared to refer to standby instruments
What does the Garmin Integrated Avionics (GIA) power
Procedure for Loss of Oil Pressure ?
high/low pressure; Reduce power to min flight
prepare for engine failure
CAPS deployment speed ?
140 KIAS
CAPS deployment procedure ?
140 KIAS Fuel Mixture, pump, selector to OFF Bat-Alt switches OFF Ignition OFF ELT ON Secure belts and loose items Move upwind from aircraft
Emergency Descent procedure ?
Power Idle
mixture as required
Pitch 10-15 degrees to intercept Vne
What are types of aircraft icing ?
What types of structural icing can occur in flight ?
Clear, Rime, Mixed Icing
Describe Clear icing.
glaze, glossy and clear
most dangerous
gets everywhere (where deicing can’t reach)
supercooled water droplets
freezes slowing over surface, helping to spread
Describe Rime Icing
rough, milky opaque
favors colder temps
rapidly freezes on leading edges
rapid freezing traps air