Weapons of Mass Destruction Flashcards
A term normally intended to encompass the use of chemical, nuclear, or biological agents, or improvised nuclear devices (IND) by terrorists.
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Applies to a weapon system designed to cause serious bodily harm, incapacitation, or death to large numbers of individuals, or to cause extensive property damage beyond that of conventional weapon systems.
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Generally the easiest and cheapest WMD to produce. Many are found in legitimate arenas such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and household cleaners.
Chemical Agents
Can be cultivated or manufactured. Effectiveness is dependent on the type of agent used, the type of delivery system, and the weather conditions around or at the attack site.
Biological Agents
Not normally detected by the five senses. Look for unexplained indicators like sick or dying animals or people; spraying or suspicious devices; unusual illness in region.
Biological Agents
Usually found in research, power generation, and medical treatment. Constitute the smallest area of threat; few cases of the use of these agents exist.
Radiological Material (Nuclear)
Type of chemical agent - effects include: severe eye and lung damage as well as serious skin blistering.
Mustard Gas
This chemical agent effects include: disrupt nervous system and suffocate by paralyzing the chest muscles.
Nerve Agent, such as Sarin
This chemical agent effects include: blocks the absorption of oxygen by blood cells.
Blood agents such as hydrogen cyanide
this chemical agent effects include: take effect in seconds and cause suffocation by damaging the lungs
choking agents such as phosgene
this chemical agent is extremely toxic, attacks the nervous system. One drop of the liquid absorbed through the skin causes nausea, convulsions, vomiting, and seizures, killing victims quickly and very painfully.
Biological agent produced by bacteria associated mainly with livestock and animal infections. spread through the air causing pneumonia and suffocation. Incubation is 1-5 days and inhalation of a minuscule amount is fatal within five to seven days.
Anthrax Spores
Biological agent - one of the most potent toxins derived from the bacterium that causes botulism. paralyzes the respiratory muscles and suffocates within 36 hours.
Biological agent - toxin derived from castor beans. Can be spread in aerosol or liquid form. causes blood poisoning that collapses the circulatory system. 6000 times more toxic than cyanide, and there is no antidote.
Other biological agents include:
plague, tularemia (rabbit fever), and cholera.