Weaknesses Flashcards
Thomas Adams
Garden City Movement Planner, developed Garden Cities in English suburbs, manager of LETCHWORTH
Homer Hoyt
Sector Theory
What is “transactive planning”?
In transactive planning, the planner meets with individuals in a community to discuss issues and help develop a plan. Through a process of “mutual learning,” the planner shares technical knowledge, while the citizens provide community knowledge.
What are “Home Rule” states?
Home Rule states are those in which cities have the right to develop their own regulations, except where the state has specifically stated otherwise.
What amendment enables police powers to the states
10th amendment In the U.S., state police power comes from the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which gives states the rights and powers “not delegated to the United States.
What is the ‘Green Book’ and what are its origins?
The ‘Green Book’ is an important reference in city planning. Ladislas Segoe wrote the first book in the Green Book Series, published in 1941 and produced by the International City/County Management Association.
Which city had the first regional plan
What Dam was built in 1942
Grand Coulee Dam
When was the Hoover Dam built?
Who wrote The Good City and stated “the need is for deliberate, abstract thought”
When was the Standard City Planning Enabling Act passed?
When was the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act passed?
Who founded concentric circle theory
Ernest Bergess
Concentric Circle Theory was developed by Ernest Burgess in 1925. Burgess was a sociologist who studied the growth of Chicago. He believed that cities grow in a series of outward rings. Land use is based on the distance from the downtown. There were five rings to his theory. The first is the central business district, which houses a concentration of governmental, office, and commercial uses. The second ring is industrial uses. The third ring is the zone of transition. This area is a mix of industrial and low-income housing. At one time this ring had high-income large houses. The fourth ring is the zone of independent workingmen’s homes and the fifth is the commuters zone with high-income residential”
Who founded multiple nuclei theory
Harris and Ullman
who founded central place theory
Walter christalter
Who drafted the Cincinnati COMPREHENSIVE PLAN
Alfred Bettman and Ladislas Segoe
What is an urban area
densely settled core of census blocks that meet minimum housing unit density and/or population density requirements.
This includes adjacent territory containing non-residential urban land uses.
must encompass at least 2,000 housing units or have a population of at least 5,000.