What are the 5 Basic steps of plan-making for comprehensive planning?
- Identify stakeholders
- Define Goals
- Gather information and analysis
- Develop Alternatives
- Select an alternative
Who conducts most corridor transportation planning?
Metropolitan Planning Organization
What is Integrated Corridor Management
At the NATIONAL level, it is the efficient movement of people and goods through institutional collaboration and aggressive, proactive integration of existing infrastructure along major corridors.
What is the National Scenic Byways Program
developed by the Federal Highway Commission in 1992, to designate and fund enhancements of scenic highways across the U.S.
What is a Greenbelt
undeveloped natural land areas that have been set aside for the purposes of open space and recreation, linking urban residents with nature.
What are National Heritage Areas, and who are they designated by?
places where natural, cultural and historic resources combine to form a cohesive NATIONALLY important landscape.
Designated by CONGRESS
Who founded neighborhood planning?
Chicago School sociologists:
Robert Park and E.W. Burgess
5 Characteristics of an Edge City
- Must have more than 5M square feet of Office Space
- More than 600 SF of retail space
- More jobs than bedrooms
- Perceived by the population as one place
- Must have been nothing like a city 30 years earlier
Who coined “Edge City”
Joel Garreau
What scale does the USGS use?
What does 1:24,000 mean
1 inch represents 2,000 lineal feet
what does 1:62,500 mean
1 inch represents 0.98 miles
what does 1:500,000 mean
1 inch equals 7.89 miles
what does 1:2,000,000 mean
1 inch equals 31.57 miles
slope of 0-.05%
no drainage, not suited for development
slope of 0.5-1%
no problems, ideal for all types of development
slope of 1-3%
slight problems for large commercial areas, acceptable for residential
3-5% slopes
major problems for commercial/industrial/large scale residential
5-10% slopes
suitable only for specially designed development
how many feet in one mile?
5,280 feet
three types of projection methods
What is Floor Area Ratio
the ratio of the gross floor area of a building to the ground area.
When did subdivisions first appear in the U.S.
What is a subdivision
is the division of land into two or more parcels, sites, or lots, for the purpose of transfer of ownership, development, or other forms of valuable interest. This definition varies from state to state and may include minimum acreage requirements.