Weak Bids Flashcards
What is the primary requirement for making a weak 2 bid?
You should have:
- a good 6 card suit ( 3 of top 5 honours if vulnerable, slightly less if not V)
- less than 13 points.
What constitutes a ‘good’ hand for a weak 2 bid?
A good ‘weak 2’ hand will have:
- 5 to 13 points
- 3 of the top 5 honours
When should you definitely have a ‘good’ hand make a Weak 2 Opening bid?
If you are Vulnerable, you should have a ‘good’ hand.
A good hand means that you have 3 of the top 5 honours in your suit.
When can you get away with having slightly less than a ‘good’ hand when making a Weak 2 Opening bid?
If you aren’t Vulnerable, you can have slightly less than a ‘good’ hand.
Examples might be:
K-J-9-x-x-x or
Q-J-9-x-x-x or
What difference is there in deciding whether to make a Weak 2 bid if you’re sitting in the 3rd position?
You may make a Weak 2 bid when sitting in 3rd position with:
- only 5 cards in the suit
- but you have a good hand (like K-Q-J-x-x)
When do you open with a Weak 2 bid when your sitting in the 4th position?
Very, very rarely. It’s better just to pass out of the hand.
R’s Response to a Weak 2 Opening:
- R raises O’s suit to Game
What should O’s next bid be?
After - a Weak 2 Opening and - R's response at Game level O should: - O is expected to Pass - R wants to play O's suit
- O makes a weak 2 opening bid
- R responds with a new suit below game level (R is showing a 5+ card suit)
What should O’s next bid be?
- a Weak 2 Opening and
- R’s response of a new suit bid less than Game
O should:
1) with 3 card support or doubleton honour
- O should raise R’s suit
2) with no fit
- - 2a) with Minimum Points (5 - 8) rebid original suit
- - 2b) with Maximum Points (9- 12) bid
- a new suit or
- NT
Why would you consider raising your Opener’s Weak 2 bid even though you have insufficient points?
If you have several (3+) of partner’s suit and a weak hand, it might make sense to raise Opener’s Weak 2 Opening to higher level or even Game level.
Because you and opener have length in the same suit, it’s quite possible that Opps could have a Game or Slam possibility in the other suits. A preemptive Game bid might be appropriate. With 10 of the suit, you could make Game or just go down one or two tricks.
What hand valuation method should R use when considering a response to a Weak 2 or 3 Opening?
R should consider the Trick Taking potential of the combined hands rather than relying on HCP counts.
Before R responds to a Weak bid, what goal should he have in mind?
If R responds to a Weak 2 or 3 Opening, it should be because he thinks it will be possible to make Game with the Trick Taking potential of the partners combined hands.
When can the partnership relax the requirements for making Weak opening bids and responses?
If the partnership is Not Vulnerable they can relax the strictest requirements for making Weak Bids and Responses.
When would R consider bidding a New Suit in response to a Weak 2 or 3 Opening?
It is unusual for R to bid a new suit after a weak opening, but sometimes it can be appropriate.
R would need strong alternate suit of 6+ cards (plus some sort of fit with O’s opening weak suit).
Points aren’t the real consideration - you’d be thinking about the trick taking potential of the combined hands instead.
- O opens with a Weak 2 or 3 bid.
- R responds with a New Suit.
What does that mean and what should O do?
It is unusual for R to bid a new suit after a Weak opening. R must have some special circumstance that makes him think they cam make Game. Therefore O should support R if possible.
R has a strong alternate suit and thinks the partnership can make game.
O should:
- with a ‘weak’ weak hand (5 - 8 pts) O should rebid his original suit
- with a ‘strong’ weak hand (9+ points) O should
- with support (3 cards), rebid R’s new suit
- with no support bid 3NT
What type of response is a NT to a Weak 2 Opening bid?
Responder’s NT Response to a NT bid is a ‘Conventional’ bid. It signals the use of a convention not a natural bid.
A weak opening shows a low point count. Playing in NT is not an option.
- With a ‘weak’ weak hand (less than 9 pts) O rebids his original suit.
- With a ‘strong’ weak hand (9+ pts) O bids 3NT or a new suit (the new suit would be one with some feature such as an A or K).
O opens with a Weak 2 bid. R responds with a 2NT bid. What does that bid by R mean?
A NT response to a Weak 2 opening is a Conventional response.
R is asking how strong O’s ‘weak’ hand is.
O opens 2D, 2H or 2S: R responds 2NT.
What are O’s possible responses?
If O has:
- (a weak hand) 5-9 points: rebid O’s his original suit
- 9+ points and a second sjit: Bid a second suit with a feature (A or K)
- 9 + points and no 2nd sit: Bid 3NT
What ‘Rule’ applies to considering opening with a Weak bid?
The Rule of 2 or 3:
A weak opening is by definition preemptive. You are trying to interfere with Opps bidding. You may well go down - but you don’t want to lose more points than if Oops had bid and made a Game contract.
Therefore, you should be able so to see how you would not loose your contract by:
- more than 3 tricks if you’re not vulnerable or
- more than 2 tricks if you are vulnerable.
What are the 2 most usual responses R will make to O’s opening Weak bid? What is the third, much more unusual response?
In response to a Weak opening bid, R will usually
- Pass
- Raise O’s opening suit in expectation of either
- Making Game in O’s suit or
- Making it more difficult for Oops to overbid the O
- in rare cases, R will bid a new suit with the expectation of making Game.