WC1/WC2. Flashcards
Borderline club
Orange yard via manette street
Hoxton holborn hotel
High holborn
Holborn hall
High holborn
Angels and bermans
Shaftsbury avenue
Dragon hall
Stukeley street
Smarts place
Centre point
New oxford street/andrew borde street
Hospital club
Endell street
Porters bar and restuarant
Henrietta street
Zoo bar
Bear street
Rules restuarant
Maiden lane
Pineapple studio
Langley street
Sarastro restuarant
Drury lane
New london theatre
Parker street
City literary institute main
Keeley street
Wild street then kemble street
Garrick club
Garrick street
Savoy court
Donmar warehouse
Earlham street
Lamb and flag PH
Rose street
Between garrick street and floral street
Belgo central
Earlham street
Joe allan restaurant
Exeter street
Royal ballet school
Floral street
Mountbatten hotel
Monmouth street
Poetry society
Bretterton street
Swiss church
Endell street
Stanfords map shop
Long acre/ floral street
Hospital bar
Endell street
Radisson edwardian kenilworth hotel
Great Russell street
Bloomsbury hotel
Great russell street
Congress house
Great russell street
King edward VII gallery
Montague place
Arab press house
High holborn
Cuba embassy
High holborn
YMCA central
Great russell street
Shaftsbury theatre
Princes circus/high holborn
Shaftsbury theatre stage door
Grape street
Shanghai blues bar
High holborn
Cartoon museum
Little russell street
Museum street
1st left coptic street
James smith and sons umbrellas
New oxford street
Radisson edwardian bloomsbury street hotel
Bloomsbury street
Saint Giles hotel
Bedford avenue
Montague on the gardens
Montague street
Brown sugar
High holborn
Barbados high commission
Great russell street
Thistle kingsley hotel
Bloomsbury way
Dominion theatre stage door
Bainbridge street
BUPA house WC2
Bury place
TUC trade union congress
Great russell street
Insolvency house
Bloomsbury street
Holborn grange hotel
Old gloucester street
Holborn police station
Lambs conduit street