SW1. Flashcards
The wellesley hotel
Sdol, lonl
1st L wilton place
Singapore high commission
Wilton crescent
LonL L wilton place or L grosvenor crescent
LonR to F wilton terrace belgrave square or R motcomb st
Salloos restaurant
Kinnerton st
In frm motcomb st sdor
LonL and L to wilton place
Or Lonl for motcomb st
Motcomb restaurant
Motcomb street
Sdol, lonl in from wilton terrace/wilton place
Out lowndes st
Palm restaurant-now salmontini
Pont st
LonR to lowndes st or chesham place
LonL to sloane st , beauchamp place
Mossimans belfry
West Halkin street
Lonl to belgrave square
LonR F lowndes st F cadogan place or L/R lowndes st
Ghana high commission
West halkin st
LonR to belgrave sq sdol from here.
LonL to lowndes st F to chesham place
Austrian embassy
Belgrave mews west
In from halkin place off west halkin st sdol
Lonr F halkin place L/R west halkin st
German embassy
Chesham place
Lonl to belgrave square
Lonr to F pont st l/r lowndes st
Finland embassy
Chesham place
LonR for belgrave square
Lonl to F pont st l/r lowndes st, b/l then L lyall st
Spanish embassy
Chesham place
LonR for belgrave square
LonL to l/r lowndes st F pont st or b/l then L lyall st
Hungary embassy
Eton place
Lonl L belgrave place to belgrave square
In L from lyall st or R from upper belgrave st
Bolivia embassy
Eaton square
Sdol, lonl R only eton square
In from belgrave place only
Norweigan embassy
Belgrave place
Sdor, lonR for belgrave square
In from eton place/eton square
Country lands owners association
Belgrave square
Sdol, lonl
First L west halkin st then wilton terrace
Portugese embassy
Wilton terrace
LonL to belgrave square
LonR for L mootcomb st or F wilton crescent
Syrian embassy
Belgrave square
Sdol, lonl. L wilton crescent then grosvenor crescent
Malaysia high commision
Belgrave square
Sdol, lonl can use halkin st
First L chapel st
Turkish embassy
Belgrave square
Sdol, lonl can use halkin st
First L chapel st
Trinidad and tobago high commission
Belgrave square
Sdol, lonl can use halkin st
First L chapel st
Ireland embassy
Chapel st
Sdol from grosvenor place
LonL to belgrave square, L upper belgrave st
Halkin hotel
Halkin st
Sdol, lonl
Take L montrose place for L chapel st L/r grosvenor place
Society of motor manufacturers
Halkin st
Sdor, lonr
Use L montrose place L chapel st for grosvenor crescent
Caledonian club
Halkin st
Sdor, lonR
From belgrave square take chapel st L montrose place L halkin st sdor
Royal college of psychiatrists
Belgrave square
1st exit west halkin st
Luxembourg embassy
Wilton crescent
Lonl L only grosvenor crescent
Lonr for belgrave square using F wilton terrace or Wilton place
The granadier PH
Wilton mews off wilton crescent
Belgian embassy
Grosvenor crescent
LonL to belgrave square
LonR to grosvenor place
Asplsy house/wellington museum/No1 London
Hyde park corner in forecourt
Lanesborough hotel
Lanesborough place
Sdol in from knightsbridge
Out grosvenor crescent L/R