N6, N10, N2, NW11 Flashcards
Thornbury square
Hornsey lane
Ghana high commission
Highgate hill/the bank
Sdor, f into
LonR L chomeley park L/R highgate hill/high st
Lauderdale house
Channing girls school
The bank
Into off highgate hill, out chomeley park
Sdor, lonr
Waterlow park
Highgate high st
Highgate literary and scientific institution
South grove
LonR for highgate high st
LonL L/R highgate west hill
Pond square
South grove
Flask PH
Highgate west hill
LonR for north road/highgate high st
Hiighgate society
South grove
The gatehouse theatre
Highgate west hill/north road
Highgate school
North road sdol, lonl only
Southwood lane
Highgate private hospital
View road
LonL F church rd
Kenwood house
Hampstead lane
LonR L stormont rd
LonL R winnington rd
Highgate golf cours
Denewood rd
LonR R sheldon avenue for R hampstead lane
Harringey magistrates court
Bishops road
Off archway road
Bull Ph
North hill
LonL R church rd /L view rd
London brewing company
North hill
LonL L view rd/R church rd
Wrestlers PH
North hill
LonL L castle yard
Jacksons lane centre
Archway rd
Lonr L shepherds hill
Highgate library
Shepherds hill
Lonr L/R archway rd/F jacksons lane F southwood lane
Bictoria stakes ph
Muswell hill
Sdol, lonl
R priory rd ?
North london performing arts centre-
St james lane
LonR L/R muswell hill
Lonl muswell hill broadway
Toffs fish and chip shop
Muswell hill broadway
LonL L st james lane or comly roundabout for fortis green rd/muswell hill rd
Odeon muswell hill
Fortis green rd
Lonr roundabout muswell hill broadway/rd or st james lane
LonL L fortis green/R queens avenue
Oneills PH N10
Muswell hill broadway
Pc keith blakelock memorial
Muswell hill bRoadway
The raglan hall hotel
Queens avenue
Lonl to muswell hill roundabout
Lonr to fortis green
Club socialite
Muswell hill
Loco on the hill bar
Muswell hill
Muswell hill synagogue
LonR F fortis green road/L queens avenue
Bald faced stag ph
High road east finchley
LonL R fortis green
Pheonix cinema
High rd east finchley
LonR R fortis green
Macdonalds university and HQ
High rd east finchley
Into forecourt sdol, lonl
Elite cattery
Archway rd/great north rd
Sdol, lonl R bakers lane L/R north hille
Hampstead garden suburb synagogue
Norrice lea
LonL L only lyttleton rd
LonR L/R winnington rd L to R lyttleton rd
Henrietta barnet school
Central square
LonL central square leave by south square L heathgate L/R meadway
R to meadway gate
St aloysious college
Hornsey lane