NW1, Flashcards
Kennedy hall
Murray st
LonR no R camden rd
Use R camden square R cantelowes rd L south villas L camden park rd
Jazz cafe
Sdor, lonr
F brittania junction
Royal vetinary college
Royal college st
Sdor in off crowndale rd or pancras rd
If coming from plender st use R crown place L sdor
Daphne restaurant Nw1
Bayham st
R pratt st or L pratt st
The forge Ph
Delancey st
Sdol after camden high st
LonL R arlington rd
Utopia village
Chalcot rd
Sdor from regents park rd R princess rd L chalcot rd
Or use fitzroy rd sdol
St marks square
Regents park rd
Cecil sharpe house
Regents park rd
Sdor off Gloucester avenue
Folk dance society
Regents park rd
Sdor off gloucester avenue
Michael nadra restaurant
Gloucester avenue
From parkway or delancey st sdor
Lonl R st marks crescent R regents park rd etc
Engineer ph and restaurant
Gloucester avenue/princess rd
Sdor princess rd
Dian fossey gorilla fund
Gloucester avenue
Sdor from delancey st/parkway
Lonr F king henrys rd
LonL R fitzroy rd
Pirate castle
Oval rd
Top of jamestown rd R sdol
LonR L gloucester avenue
London zoo
Outer circle
Danish church
St katherines precinct
From outer circle
Jewish museum
Albert st
R Off parkway
Lonr R delancey st or L mornington place L mornington crescent
Dublin castle ph
LonL First R albert st
Regents park barracks
Albany st
Lonl R chester gate
Or L osnaburgh terrace R osnaburgh st then L marylebone rd or F great portland st
Feng shang restaurant
Prince albert rd
Sdol off parkway
Zoological society of london
Outer circle
Opposite zoo
York and albany hotel restaurant
Albany street
Off parkway sdol
London business school
Sussex place/regents park
Sussex place is off outer circle
LonR then R puter circle to clarence gate
Or L to hanover gate