E1, E3 Flashcards
City view hotel
Cambridge heath rd
Bethnal green station
Cambridge heath road
Sdol lonL
1st L bethnal green rd
Roman rd sdol lonl
Sunlight square
Birbeck st
Facing sdol
LorR cambridge heath rd
Blind beggar PH
Whitechapel rd Sdol LonL L cambridge heath rd Turnaround, above then L darling row R collingwood st L merceron st LorR brady st
Whitechapel sports centre
Durward st Sdol LonR Lor R vallance rd L fulbourne st L whitechapel rd
Tayaabs restaurant
Fieldgate st From new rd Sdor LonR Plumbers row L to coke st R greenfield rd to commercial rd R to whitechapel rd
Booth house
Whitechapel rd
LonL 1st L vallance rd
Whitechapel station
Whitechapel station
Use cambridge heath rd L darling row R collinwood st L merceron st R brady st L dunbridge st L vallance rd for turnaround
East london mosque
Whitechapel rd
Coming from west L greatorex st R old montagu st R davenant st R whitechapel rd Sdol
Whitechapel bell foundary
Whitechapel rd
Coming from west Use R adler st L mulberry st L plumbers row L whitechapel rd
Oleary square
Adelina grove Sdol LonL F redmans rd R jubilee st R lindley st for sidney st
Avis square
Westport st
LonR to commercial rd
LonL R chudliegh st L bromley st R stepney way L stepney high st etc
Troxy club
Commercial rd
Turnaround Use westport st R chudliegh st R bromley st R commercial rd sdol
Albert gardens
Commercial rd
1st L sutton st R jubilee st
LonR L bromley st to stepney way
Dockside hotel
Sutton st
LonR to commercial rd
LonL to cable st
Steels lane health centre
Commercial rd
To jubilee st or sutton st
LonR to bromley st
London independant hospital
Beaumont square
Sdor coming from maria terrace, beaumont grove
Rosalind green hall
Stepney green
Side road
LonL R side rd to go to mile end rd
Rectory square
White horse lane
Genisis cinema
Mile end rd
LonL L globe rd or R white horse lane
Stepney green station
Whitechapel rd
Use white horse lane, R beaumont sq R maria terrace L beaumont grove R whitechapel rd to SDOL
Stepping stones city farm
Stepney way
Mile end hospital
Bancroft rd
LonL L only mile end rd
LonR LorR globe rd
Queen mary and westerfield university
Mile end rd Sdol Forcpurt LonL Lonly mile end rd
Silvermans army surplus
Harford st
Sdol from stepney green ben johnson rd
Tower hamlets historical library and archive
Bancroft rd
LonL L only mile end rd
LonR L alderney rd R globe rd
Tredegar square
Morgan street/mile end road
L only commercial rd
Use coborn rd L antill rd to grove rd for turnaround
East london tabernacle
Burdett road
LonR to commercial rd/grove rd
Greedy cow restaurant
Grove rd sdol
L only Commercial rd
L coborn rd L antill rd turnaround
Tower hamlets cemetary
Southern grove
LonR L mile end rd
Or L hamlets way
Morgan arms PH
Morgan street
L coborn rd L antill rd to grove rd
R coborn rd L only mile end rd
Bow quarter
Fairfield rd
Sdor coming from bow rd
LonL L only bow rd
LonR Lor R tredegar rd
Thames magistrate court
Bow road
Regents square
Bruce rd
LonL L edgar rd R bromley high st F st leonards st L blackwall tunnel northern approach
LonR L devons road R rainhill way F trevithick rd
LorR campbell road
Bow rd station
Bow station
Bow bus station
Fairfield rd
Sdor from bow rd
LonL L only bow rd
LonR LorR tredegar rd
Bow police station
Bow rd
Turnaround L wellington way R merchant st R mile end rd F bow rd
Bow arts trust
Bow road
Bow interchange
Bow bells PH
Bow rd
1st L campbell rd
LonR L fairfield rd
Kitcat terrace
Bow road
LonL L fairfield rd
LonR L campbell rd
Mcdonalds E3
Payne road
From blackwall tunnel northern approach slip
LonL L bow road slip to bow interchange