SW 1 Flashcards
Cabinet war rooms
Horseguards road
LonR for the mall
Institute of mechanical engineers
Birdcage walk
Lonr R storeys gate or F great george st
Institute of civil engineers
Great george st
LonL L storeys gate
Queen elizabeth 11 conference hall
Storeys gate
Into foreocurt sdol
LonR then L/R storeys gate
Methodist central hall
Storeys gate
LonR for R broadway then R victoria st L broad sanctuary
European parliament uk
Queen anns gate Lonl R dartmouth st or L then R old queen st l/r storeys gate LonR and L for petty france Use carteret st from broadway
Fabien. Society
Dartmouth st
Lonr l/r broadway
From queen anns gate
Embassy of chile
Old queen st
Sdor, lonr
L/R storeys gate
In from queen anns gate L dartmouth st R sdor
Spectator magZine
Old queen st
Sdol, lonl
L/r storey gate
Supreme court
Little george st, in off great george st
L little sanctuary L only broad sanctuary
Winston churchill memorial
Parliament square
House of lords
Parliament square
Sdol, lonl
F st margrate st
Westminster abbey
The sanctuary
Off broad sanctuary
Department of trade and industry
Victoria st
LonR R great smith street
City of westminster archives centre
St anns st, off great peter street
From victoria st take abbey orchard st L old pyenst R sdol
Portcullis house
Bridge st
Sdol only victoria embankment lonl
Westminster station
Bridge st
Lonr for parliament square
Jewel tower
Abingdon street
LonL F st margaret street
Houses of parliament
Parliament square
Association of teachers and lecturers
Northumberland st
Playhouse theatre
Northumberland avenue
1st L embankment place then victoria embankment
Banqueting house
Lonl to parliament st
Welsh office
LonR for trafalger square
Gordons wine bar
Villiers st
Richmond house
Sdol, lonl
Department for health
Sdol, lonl
Savage club
Whitehall place Sdor Lonr In from whitehAll or scotland place off great scotland yard Out is northumberland avenue
National liberal club
Whitehall place Sdor LonR In from whitehall or scotland place off great scotland yard Out nurthumberland avenue
Corinthia hotel
Whitehall place
LonL R whitehall court to horsegaurds avenue
Or northumberland avenue
Farmers club
Whitehall court
In from whitehall place sdol
LonL to horseguards avenue
Lonr L whitehall place L only whitehall or R whitehall place to northumberland avenue
One twenty one two restaurant
Whitehall court
LonR to whitehall place
Trafalger studios
LonL to trafalger square
Sctland office
LonL R horseguards avenue
Guoman royal horseguards hotel
Whitehall court
Sdol always
LonL to horseguards avenue
LonR then L/R whitehall place
Civil service club
Great scotlNd yard
Sdol from whitehall
LonL for northumberland avenue
Liberal democrats party
Cowley street
Off great peter sdor
LonL L great peter st to millbank
R to marsham st take L for horseferry rd
Chhrch house
Great smith street
Is off victoria st and marsham st
LonL for victoria street
LonR for great peter st or F marsham street
Slovenia. Emabssy
Little college street
From abingdon st take great college st L above sdor
From millbank take great peter street R above sdol
The treasury
Horseguards road
LonL L great george st R birdcage walk
LonR for the mall
St stephens tower also big ben
St margarets st