WBC Physiology Flashcards
The presence of which antibody signifies recent infection? Which signifies past infection?
Recent IgM
Past IgG
What is a leukoerythroblastic blood film?
Nucleated RBC + granulocytes
What causes a leukoerythroblastic blood film?
Sepsis Marrow infiltrate Myelofibrosis Severe bleeding Shock
“Activated T cells, B cell appearance change abundant blue cytoplasm wraps neighboring RBCs” is seen in what
Infective mononucleosis
EBV, HIV, CMV, viral hepatitis, toxoplasma
A splenectomy is used to treat what 2 conditions?
What infections are patients particularly prone to post splenectomy?
Encapsulated organisms; meningococcus, pneumococcus, Hib
What are B cell symptoms?
Fever, sweats, weight loss
EBV, infarction, inflam, autoimmune eg RA, hypersensitivity all cause _______
Reactive lymphocytosis
What causes lymphocytosis?
What causes basophilia?
Polycythaemia rubra vera
What causes eosinophilia?
Allergy Atopy Asthma Parasite Hodgkin’s lymphoma T cell lymphoma EGPA
What causes activated lymphocytes?
EBV - esp
Viral URTI eg RSV
What causes neutrophilia?
Bacterial infection Inflammation Necrosis CCS Blood loss Myeloproliferative disorder
What is the arterial supply to the spleen?
Splenic artery from celiac axis
The splenic vein and the superior mesenteric vein together form the _____
Hepatic portal vein
What is the function of the spleen?
Detects damaged / foreign material in blood and eliminates it
What are the 2 parts of the spleen?
Red pulp
White pulp
What is the spleen red pulp formed of?
Sinusoids + cords
What part of the spleen contains the macrophages and transit cells
Red pulp cords
What part of the spleen is the site of antigen presentation?
White pulp