Anaemia Flashcards
What Hb is anaemia in:
- adult male
- adult female
- pregnant female
- age 6-14
- 6mth to 6y.o.
- adult male 130
- adult female 120
- pregnant female 110
- age 6-14 120
- 6mth to 6y.o. 110
What test distinguishes anaemia based on size?
Macrocytic MCV more than 100
Microcytic MCV less than 80
What tests are haematinics?
Ferritin, B12, folate
What infection causes stop erythropoiesis for 2 weeks?
Parvovirus B19 slapped cheek
What is another way of classifying anaemia other than by cell size?
Decreased production
Increased destruction
Increased loss
What are the 2 causes of decreased production anaemia?
Hypoproliferative marrow (less erythropoiesis)
Ineffective maturation
A erythrocyte maturation defect can be in which 2 places in the cell?
Cytoplasmic or nuclear
A cytoplasmic erythrocyte maturation problem often causes what size of anaemia?
A nuclear erythrocyte maturation problem often causes what size of anaemia?
Name 6 causes of anaemia with decreased red cell production?
Iron deficiency B12/PA Folate deficient Aplastic anaemia CKD Anaemia of chronic disease
Name some causes of iron deficiency?
Increased requirement
Chronic blood loss
What is the commonest cause of anaemia?
Iron deficiency
What additional S+S can iron deficiency anaemia cause?
Glossitis, angular stomatitis, koilonychia
What happens in iron deficiency before the patient become clinically anaemia?
Exhaust their iron stores
What blood results are seen in iron deficiency anaemia
Low Hb
Low ferritin
+- Raised platelets
What is the Mx of Fe deficiency anaemia?
PO Fe2+ ferrous fumarate 3X day
What are the main side effects of ferrous fumarate?
GI upset - constipation
What is the commonest cause of failure to respond to ferrous fumarate in iron deficiency anaemia?
Poor compliance
How quickly do you expect a rise in Hb following ferrous fumarate Tx in Fe deficiency anaemia?
Raise 10g / week
What blood test can you do to look for a response to Tx in Fe deficiency anaemia?
Hb Reticulocytes (should raise in 1st week)
What additional management should you do in iron deficiency anaemia other than replace iron?
Investigate cause eg why menorrhagia?
consider endoscopy or colonoscopy if older
How long does it take to deplete folate and B12 stores in deficiency?
B12 2-4 years
Folate 4 months
What additional S+S can B12 deficiency cause?
Peripheral neuropathy Subacute combined SC degeneration Dementia Weight loss Psychiatric
What is the function of B12 and folate in erythrocytes?
Co-factor for nuclear maturations enabling DNA synthesis
What is the aetiology of B12 deficiency?
Drugs (PPI)
Where is folate absorbed?
Jejunum + duodenum
What is folate converted to in the body?
What is the stereotypical cause of folate deficiency?
What is the Mx of folate deficiency?
5mg PO folate 1X day
What is the pathology of pernicious anaemia?
Ab to gastric parietal cells intrinsic or IF needed to absorb B12
Where is B12 absorbed?
Terminal ileum
What conditions is pernicious anaemia associated with?
Also associated with increased age, FH and atrophic gastritis
Other autoimmune conditions eg hypothyroid, Addison’s, vitiligo etc.
What investigations are done for pernicious anaemia?
Serum B12 inaccurate
anti-gastric parietal cell
What is the Mx of pernicious anaemia?
Lifelong B12 IJ every 3 mth
What cause of anaemia also shows reduced platelets and WBCs?
Aplastic anaemia
What are the causes of anaemia of chronic disease?
Chronic inflammation eg cancer, autoimmunity (RA), infections
What is the mechanism of anaemia of chronic disease?
Macrophages release cytokines that inhibit Epo
Decreased RBC lifespan
What effect does anaemia of chronic disease have on
- Ferritin
- Serum Fe
Increased ferritin
Decreased Fe
Normal or decreased MCV