wbc disorders Flashcards
neutrophilia >7x10*9/l
increased neutrophils not path. normal in newborns transient no increased bands
acute neutrophilia
bact. infec./ toxin
BM response
shift left increase in bands
chronic neutrophilia
follows acute cont. stimulation bm storage depletion increase in mitotic pool shift left: toxic granulation, dohle bodies increased metamyelocytes and myelocytes
leukmoid rxn neutrophilia
extreme rxn to severe infec necrotic tissue >25K many immature cells (bands, meta, myelo) must distinguish from CML
leukemoid rxn vs. CML
Leukemoid: norm rbc & plt, LAP increased, toxic gran., dohle bodies
CML: ab. rbc & plt (decreased rbc, wbc, plt), LAP decreased, no toxic gran., no dohle bodies, increased eos and basos
Other causes of neutrophilia
tissue necrosis burns rheumatoid arthritis tumors steroids pregnancy
Causes of neutropenia <2x109/L/ <1.5x109/L
decreased bm stem cell disorders chemo/radiation myelophthisic anemia megaloblastic anemai inherited
neutropenia: increased WBC loss
severe infec. immune loss hypersplenism hemodialysis viral infec
neturopenia: pseudoneutropenia
increase mgp
some infec. and hypersensitivity rxns
Chronic Granulomatous disease
rare, inherited
ab oxidative metabolism
recurrent infec.
Nitroblue tetrazolium test: detects ab O2 metabolites (+blue)
Chediak Higashi anomaly
rare, inherited
death in infancy due to infec
fusion of 1* and 2* granules= ab lysosomes
locomotion, delayed de-granulation, decreased killing
big blue inclusions in neutrophils
neutropenia: agranulocytosis
<0.5 x 10*9/L
agranulocytic= not good for patient
May-Hegglin anomaly
rare inherit. large basophilic inclusions in cytoplasm maybe thrombocytopenia and giant plts maybe bleeding usually asymp
Pelger Huet anomaly
bening inherited ad hyposegs bi lobed segs and increase in bands pince nez cells normal cell fx acquired w/ MPD/MDS must diff. from true left shift
Alder Reilly anomaly
inherited large purple granules in cyto of wbc ppt mucopolysaccharides enzyme deficency normal cell fx
myeloperoxidase deficiency
benign inherited
no increase in infec
causes tech. errror in instruments that use peroxidase to id wbc
use other microbial to kill organisms (diabetic may have increase in C. albicans infec)
leukocyte adhesion deficiency
rare inhert.
absence of wbc surface adhesion prot. (integrins)
defects in adhesion, chemotaxis, phag., respiratory burst, degran.
frequent infec
high mortality rate
systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE)
connective tissue disease butterfly rash anti dna acts on wbc (LE factor) change in nucleus round homogenous body is ingested by neutrophil (LE cell)
lab testing for SLE: clot method
wbc treated to free nuclei LE factor acts on nuclei neut. phag. nuclei smears made and stained differentiate from tart cell