WBC Anomaly Flashcards
A MAC whose cytoplasm is swollen by small lipid droplets
Pick’s cell/ Foam cell
Sphingomyelinase Deficiency
Commonly seen in Ashkenazi Jews
Niemann-Pick Disease
Most common of the Lipidoses
B-glucocerebrosidase Def.
Crumpled tissue paper/ Onion skin
Gaucher Disease
observed due to abnormal packaging of melanosomes (silver hair, pale skin and photophobia)
Partial Albinism
Basic Defect on Golgi complex, large abnormal (GIANT) cytoplasmic granules in phagocyte
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
Exhibit a characteristic Triad. Small Abnormal Platelets
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
Characteristic Triad of WAS
Dohle Body-like Inclusion w/ Giant Platelets
May-Hegglin Anomaly
Most common genetic disorder of WBCs, failure of Neutrophil nucleus to segment. ‘‘Pince-nez’’ or ‘‘Spectacle’’
Pelger-Huet Anomaly
(True/ Congenital PHA)
nucleus has >6 lobes, seen in megaloblastic anemia, MDS
Hypersegmented Neutrophils
pertains to a rare hereditary condition characterized by normal granulocyte prod. but impaired release into the blood (neutrophil not released stays for a long time)
Neutrophil ingest another neutrophil, found in SLE
Lupus Erythematosus Cell
a monocyte ingested a whole lymphocytes, seen in drug sensitivity
Tart cell
Similar to normal lymphocyte but nucleus is notched, lobulated and cloverleaf-like, found in CLL or can artificially formed through blood film
Reider cell
abnormal plasma cell with cytoplasm filled with Russel bodies, found in Multiple Myeloma
Grape cell/ Morula or Mott cell
small lymphocytes with little cytoplasmic projection, found in hairy cell leukemia
Hairy cell
a definitive characteristics of Hodgkin’s Disease
Reed-Sternberg Cell
aka. L and H cells seen in NLPHL (Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin’s Lymphoma)
Popcorn cells
Purple red particles/ precipitated mucopolysaccharides, can resemble very coarse toxic granulation
Alder-Reilly Inclusion
Alder-Reilly Inclusion is most frequentyl seen in patients with
Hunter, Hurler and Maroteaux-Lamy
Altered primary granules, dark-blue to black granules, seen in severe infxns and Lead poisoning
Toxic granulations
Linear projections of primary granules, seen in AML
Auer Rods
an abnormal WBC w/ bundles/ sticks of Auer rods in its cytoplasm
Faggot cell
arranged in parallel rows and consisting of Ribosomal RNA
No Giant platelets, smaller in size, round
PAS (+)
Dohle bodies