Water Cycle and Water Insecurity EQ3 Flashcards
People cannot afford water, even when it’s available
Economic water scarcity
Hydraulic fracturing whereby rock is fractured by a pressurised liquid
Recycled water, usually from waste bath, sink or washing water
Grey water
A large-scale technological fix
Hard engineering
A method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions without soil
The artificial watering of crops
Integrated Water Resource Management, a system which promotes the coordinated development of water resources in an equitable manner
Not in my backyard’ - people protesting about developments which they see as detrimental to their own neighbourhood
Insufficient water to meet demand; where more than 75% of blue water flows are being used
Physical water scarcity
Individuals, groups or organisations with an involvement or interest in a particular issue
The transfer of state or government assets into ownership by private individuals, companies or shareholders
Policies imposed by the IMF and World Bank which forced the state to play a reduced part in the economy and social welfare, in return for loans
Structural Adjustment Programmes
Clean, safe water should be available, accessible and affordable for present and future generations
Sustainable water
The hidden flow of water when food or other commodities are traded
Virtual water
Where present and future supplies cannot be guaranteed
Water insecurity
An assessment of the degree of water shortage and the subsequent water insecurity problems - it has 5 components
Water Poverty Index
Where there is less than 1000m³ per capita of available water
Water scarcity
Where there is less than 1700m³ per capita water availability
Water stress