Globalisation EQ3 Flashcards
When a person’s income is too low for basic human needs to be met
Absolute poverty
The amount of carbon dioxide produced by an individual or activity
Carbon footprint
Where natural resource stocks are maintained or increased by requiring manufacturers or retailers to do more to recycle, reuse or repair products
Circular economy
A society in which the buying and selling of goods and services is the most important social and economic activity
Consumer society
The number of live births per 1000 people per year
Crude birth rate
The ways in which a country seeks to progress economically and to improve the quality of life for its inhabitants
The dispersion or spread of a group of people from their original homeland
A crude measurement of the area of land or water required to provide a person (or society) with the energy, food and resources needed to live, and absorb waste
Ecological footprint
A financial exchange where the consumer has considered the social and environmental costs of production for food, goods or services purchased
Ethical consumerism/purchase
The distance food travels from the farm to the consumer
Food miles
A composite index that measures gender inequalities related to certain aspects of social and economic development
Gender Inequality Index (GII)
A measure of income distribution in a place, which can show inequalities
Gini coefficient/index
A composite measure that ranks countries according to economic and social criteria
Human Development Index (HDI)
Unofficial forms of employment
Informal sector