Coastal Landscapes and Change EQ4 Flashcards
Disagreement over how the coast should be protected, and which areas should be protected
Coastal conflict
Where costs are forecast, and weighed up against expected benefits
Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
Communities forced to abandon their homes due to natural processes
Environmental refugees
Structures that stop physical processes such as erosion, or alter them such as longshore drift
Hard engineering
Integrated Coastal Zone Management, whereby the entire coastal zone is managed as a whole, and in a sustainable way
Based on the sediment cell concept, where all coastlines divide up into distinct cells containing sources, transfers and sinks; each cell can be managed as a holistic unit
Littoral cell
A very expensive, technically difficult engineering project
Individuals, groups or organisations with an involvement or interest in a particular issue
The frequency of a flood of particular magnitude recurring
Return period
Attempts to work with natural processes to reduce and manage the coastal erosion and flooding threat, but not necessarily prevent it
Soft engineering
Managing the wider coastal zone in terms of people and their livelihoods, social well-being, and safety from coastal hazards, as well as minimising environmental impacts
Sustainable coastal management
Where the last groyne starves the coastline downdrift of sediment
Terminal groyne syndrome