Coastal Landscapes and Change EQ3 Flashcards
Offshore sediment bars, usually sand dune covered, and not attached to the coast
Barrier islands
How the energy of a wave is decreased by friction with beach material
Scooping or sucking sediment up from the seabed
A fall in sea level, or relative rise in land level, exposes land previously covered by the sea
Emergent coastline
A rise or fall in water level caused by a change in the volume of water; a global change, affecting all the world’s connected seas and oceans
Eustatic change
A drowned U-shaped glaciated valley
A local rise or fall in land level
Isostatic change
The uplift experienced by land following the removal of the weight of ice sheets; also known as isostatic recovery
Post-glacial isostatic adjustment
Where former shoreline platforms and their beaches were raised above present sea level, due to isostatic recovery
Raised beaches
A drowned river valley caused by sea level rise flooding the river valley
The degree of exposure to an event; the probability of it happening
A short-term change in sea level caused by low air pressure
Storm surge
A rise in sea level, or relative subsidence of the land level, floods the coast
Submergent coastline