Water Conflicts - Key Terms Flashcards
Closed System
Global hydrological cycle is powered by solar energy - it is a closed system in continual circulation. There is a definite amount of water in the system, the amount doesn’t change
Groundwater Flow
Water that travels through saturated ground
When water is stationary and not moving in a drainage basin
The process of water turning from a liquid into vapour. Evaporation only takes place from a body of water e.g. lake, puddle or sea
Channel Flow
Water that travels in a river
When water is added to the drainage basin
Surface Runoff
When water travels across the surface of the earth e.g. down a hill
When water leaves a drainage basin
Through Flow
Water that travels through unsaturated ground
Blue Water Flow
Visible part of the hydrological system, surface flows and then recharging aquifers
Green Water Flow
Is water intercepted, stores and released by vegetation by evaporation and transpiration
The combined action of evaporation and transpiration
Where the water goes up through the plants and is released into the air through the leaves
Water that travels from unsaturated into saturated ground
Any moisture that falls fro the atmosphere. The main types of precipitation are rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog and dew
Water that moves from the surface of the earth into the soil below
Helsinki Rules
On the uses of the waters of international rivers is an international guideline regulating how rivers and their connected groundwater’s that cross national boundaries, may be used. Adopted by the international law association in Helsinki, Finland, August 1966