Unit 1 - World at Risk Flashcards
Natural Hazard
A hazard is perceived as a natural event which has the potential to threaten both life and property
Hydro-Meteorological Hazard
A hazard formed by hydrological (floods) and atmospheric (storms and droughts) processes
Geo-Physical Hazard
A hazard formed by tectonic/geological processes (earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis)
The size of the event
How often an event of a certain size (magnitude) occurs
Convectional Rainfall
Sun heats the sea and it evaporates into the clouds - low pressure air rising
Relief Rainfall
Air is being forced up a mountain/hill - clouds form at the top and air evaporates
Frontal Rainfall
Made up of cold air and warm air - the warm air rises over the cold air and clouds form which results in rain
Geomorphic Hazard
Landslide/slumping - slumping involves a whole segment of the cliff moving down-slope
Disaster Hotspot
A place where a vulnerable population is exposed to two or more hazard types. e.g. the Philippines and California
Greenhouse Effect
Is the trapping of the suns warmth in the planets lower atmosphere - greenhouse gases are responsible for this (water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane)
The average conditions of precipitation, temperature, pressure and wind over a 30 year period
Climate Change
Any long term trend or shift in climate detected by a sustained shift in the average value for any climatic element
The emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles (especially high-energy particles) which cause ionisation
Greenhouse Gases
A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation e.g. co2
Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
Referred to as climate change or global warming - impact on the climate from the additional heat refrained due to the increased amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that humans have released into the earths atmosphere during the industrial revolution
Refers to policies which are meant to delay, reduce or prevent climate changes caused by global warming such as cutting co2 emissions and increasing carbon sinks
Refers to policies which are designed to reduce the existing impacts of global warming, such as protection against flooding and coastal erosion
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change