Water Flashcards
What % of body weight is made up of water?
~55% of body weight
Where is most water found in the body?
In the muscle, which contains 73% water
What is the difference between intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid?
Intracellular fluid is fluid within the cells and extra is outside the cells
What are electrolytes and what do they do?
They are charged particles (ions) that conduct electric current. They maintain fluid balance.
What is a hypotonic solution?
It’s when the amount of solute molecules (such as water) is greater inside the cell than outside. When this happens, water flows into the cell causing it to swell.
What is a hypertonic solution?
It’s when the amount of solute molecules (such as water) is greater outside the cell than inside. This causes water to flow out of the cell, causing the cell to shrink.
What is the influence of electrolytes on water movement?
Water attaches to electrolytes and moves via osmosis
What are the major cations and anions for intracellular fluid?
Cations: Postassium and magnesion. Anions: Phosphate and sulfate
What are the major cations and anions for extracellular fluid?
Cations: Sodium and calcium. Anions: Chloride and bicarbonate
How does the sodium-potassium pump work to keep water balance?
It “trades” potassium and sodium across the extracelullar membrane and the cytoplasm. This keeps the net charge zero.
What are functions of water in the body?
It regulates body temperature and helps with waste removal via urine. It also helps with nutrient transportation and blood volume.
What determines urine output?
Consumption of fluids, protein, and sodium
What is the AI for total water in men and women? How much of this comes from actual fluids alone?
15 cups for adult men and 11 cups for adult women; 13 cup men, 9 cups women
What hormones regular water balance?
The kidneys relaease antidiuretic hormone (ADH) when osmotic pressure increases, and renin when blood pressure falls
What stimulates water retention? How?
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) signals kidneys to retain water
What stimulates sodium retention? How?
Renin; renin activates angiotensin. This causes constriction of blood vessels and release of aldosterone. This in turn causes the kidneys to retain sodium.
What is the term for low blood electrolyte concentrations?