W7 - Factorial ANOVA Flashcards
What do factorial designs allow you to do?
Manipulate several variables at the same time.
Allow us to look at how variables interact with each other.
What is the IV in a factorial ANOVA known as?
What are the conditions within the factors in the Factorial ANOVA known as?
What can the factors in factorial ANOVAs have?
Independent levels
Repeated measures levels
What are the independent levels within the factors (IV)
Between subject factors i.e male or female
What are the repeated measures levels within factors (IV)
Within subject factors i.e time (pre/post) or drug type (placebo/drug)
What are the 2 parts to the factorial ANOVA
No. of conditions
Type of ANOVA
What are factorial ANOVAs used for?
To analyse experimental designs w/ multiple factors (IVs)
What is an ANOVA called with 2 independent variables?
2 way ANOVA
What can independent factorial ANOVAs do?
Manipulate multiple between-subject variables
What can repeated measures factorial ANOVAs do?
Manipulate multiple within subject variables.
What can a mixed factorial ANOVA do?
Manipulate the between subject and within subject variables
What is meant by the main effect
When a change is found in the DV due to 1 of the IVs/factors
What is meant by the interaction effect
When the size of the change found in the DV depends on 1 of the other factors
What ANOVA would be used for the following scenario?
Examining whether IQ varies across year groups differently in M + F
DV = IQ Factors = Gender x Year group
Factor 1 (Gender) has 2 levels (M,F) Factor 2 (Yr group) has 3 levels (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
= 2x3 Independent ANOVA (a.k.a 2x3 between groups ANOVA)
What ANOVA would be used for the following scenario?
Examining whether IQ varies across year groups differently in M + F and with hair colour
DV = IQ Factors = Gender x Year group x Hair colour Factor 1 (Gender) = 2 levels (M,F) Factor 2 (Yr group) has 3 levels (1st, 2nd, 3rd) Factor 3 (Hair colour) has 4 levels (blonde, brown, black, red)
= 2x3x4 Independent ANOVA
What ANOVA would be used for the following scenario?
Examining how lower back pain is affected by different drugs + different psychological therapies:
DV = Level of pain Factors = Drug Type x Therapy Type Factor 1 (Drug Type) = 2 levels (ibuprofen, aspirin). Factor 2 (Therapy Type) = 2 levels (CBT, mindfulness).
= 2x2 repeated measures ANOVA
Examining how protein supplementation type + dosage can affect how many back squats you can undertake with + w/out DOMS
What is the ANOVA
DV = Number of squats. Factors = Protein type x dosage amount x DOMS Factor 1 (Protein type) = 2 levels (solid, liquid) Factor 2 (Dosage amount) = 3 levels (high, low, none) Factor 3 (DOMS) = 2 levels (yes, no)
= 2 x 3 x 2 repeated measures ANOVA
Examining perceived effort of frequent + infrequent cyclists at different cadences (50 rpm, 70 rpm, 90 rpm):
What is the ANOVA
DV = Perceived effort
Factors = Type of cyclist x Cadence
Factor 1 = Type of cyclist (frequent, infrequent)
Factor 2 = Cadence (50, 70, 90)
= 2 x 3 mixed factorial ANOVA