W3: S3 - The Ear Flashcards

- Pinna
- Incus
- Malleus
- Tympanic membrane
- Stapes
- Semicircular canals
- Cochlea
- Vestibulocochlear nerve
- Round window
- Tympanic cavity
- Eustacian tube
- Ear canal
What type of joints are found between the ossicles?
Name two muscles related to the ossicles and their nerve supply?
Tensor tympani (V3)
Stapedius (VII)
What is the action of the tensor tympani?
- Pull the handle of the malleus to tense the eardrum for a loud noise
What is the function of the stapedius?
Pulls stapes causing it to tilt in it’s base
Lowers oscillatory range
Which two areas does the middle ear communicate with?
Mastoid antrum
In which part of the temporal bone do the middle and inner ear lie?
Petrous part

What is the name given to the series of bone lined chambers in the inner ear?
The bony labyrinth
Inside the bony labrynth there are a series of membranous chambers called the
Membraneous labyrinth
What is the name of the fluid inside the bony labyrinth?

What is the name of the fluid inside the membranous labyrinth?

Through which foramen does the facial nerve exit the skull and where is it located?
Internal acoustic meatus
Posterior cranial fossa

What other cranial nerve exits through the internal acoustic meatus?