W12 Flashcards
Kurt Lewin’s (1963) ‘field theory’
B = f (P, E)
Behaviour is a function of
Person (e.g., needs, belief, values, abilities, i.e., personality)
And Environment, especially the social environment (or the ‘psychological field’)
Examples of studies that is about social influence
Milgram’s (1963) obedience studies
Asch’s (1951) conformity studies
Stanford Prison experiment
The rise of situationism: Personality and Assessment
Walter Mischel (1968)
Two key claims:
- Personality is a weak predictor of behaviour (r ~ .30)
- Behaviour varies considerably over situations
Conclusion: The concept of a personality trait is “untenable”. Behaviour is largely driven by situations
Growth of situationist “spin-off” theories
“The Fundamental Attribution Error” (Ross, 1977) (“correspondence bias”; Gilbert & Malone, 1995)
“The Conceptual Similarity Critique” (Shweder, 1975)
The Conceptual Similarity Critique
“How people do classify” is mistaken as “how to classify people”
Coherence of personality traits (discovered by factor analysis) simply reflect judgments of conceptual similarity
How to measure reliably, which is requisite for assessing consistency/stability (e.g., use many items on a personality questionnaire)?
Aggregation across measurement occasions
Aggregation increase:
(a) Stability of cross-situational behaviour
(b) Relations between other-rated personality and behaviour
How to measure the flexibility of behaviour?
Experience sampling methods (ESM): Techniques for assessing behaviours/experiences multiple times per day for several days or weeks
Described their personality state expressions (e.g., extraverted behaviour) over the last hour; 4 items per big five trait
What are the result of the study which used ESM?
Individuals vary over time and space in their personality state expressions
But also are highly stable
Average personality states in week 1 predicted average personality states in week 2
Analogy for personality and behaviour/experience
Personality is to climate as behaviour/experience is to weather
The “situational strength” hypothesis
Personality will cease to predict behaviour in “strong situations”
A ‘strong situation’ is characterized by?
Clear behavioural expectations
Incentives for compliance (or threats for non-compliance)
Individual ability to meet the demands of the situation
Situation completely drive behaviour?
From Milgram’s obedience study, 35% did not
Effects of personality were found:
Authoritarianism: more obedience from those who respect and value authority
Locus of control: more obedience from those with an external locus of control
Larger shocks predicted by A and C
Is ‘situational strength’ the best way to conceptualized person x situation interactions?
Virtually no studies directly assess situational strength dimensions
Situationist’s description and Dispositionalist’s description are different.
They interpret the result from different perspective.
What is Trait Activation Theory?
Trait-relevant situations strengthen trait-behaviour associations
‘Strong’ situations might also activate relevant personality effects
Meta-analysis of personality and job performance
Some support for ‘situational strength’:
All of the big five predicted job performance more strongly in ‘weak’ job situations
Some support for ‘trait activation’:
In ‘strong’ situations that were trait-relevant, specific trait-performance effects increased
Extraversion when social skills demands were high
Openness when creativity/innovation demands were high
Conscientiousness when attention to detail required