W01: Reproductive Anatomy - Female & Male Flashcards
What sits in the sacral curve?
Female Peritonisation (Pelvic)
+ posterior fornix nearby
BROAD LIGAMENT: wide peritoneal fold over uterus
Uterus Ligaments
- wraps around round ligament - SUSPENSORY LIGAMENT
- wraps around ovarian artery and ovary vein - ROUND LIGAMENT
- fibrous; anchors ovary to lateral walls of uterus
What side of the broad ligament are the ovaries found on?
Visible on the posterior side
Embryological remnant of the gubernaculum
Now main content of female inguinal canal travels to the labium majora
Sections of the Broad Ligament
MESOVARIUM: around ovary
MESOSALPINX: fallopian tube
MESOMETRIUM: surface of the uterus
What is the angle of anteversion?
Where the lines of vaginal canal and cervix meets to create a typically right-angle point
What is the angle of anteflexion
The line of the uterus meeting the line of the cervix. Here, the angle produced at the joining point is even moreso anterior and inferior
Typical implications of anteversion and anteflexion
- allows uterus to expand anteriorly
Pudendal Nerve
- lies on PIRIFORMIS, leaves via G SCIATIC FORAMEN
- originates from sacral plexus
- travels to ischioanal fossa beneath pelvic floor
- Pudendal N Block via transvaginal palpation; posterior to ischial tuberosity
Cavernous tissue in external genitalia
- specialised for filling blood in wide spaces; increased pressure and turgidity = erectile response
- supporting structures on the side
- reduced in females = crus of clitoris - CORPUS SPONGIOSUM
male = single bulb
female = vestibular bulbs (x2) lying deep to labia majora; urethra exists between; unified via glans clitoris
Course of Sperm
semineferous tubules
rete testis
epidydimis (storage)
vas deferens
spermatic cord
inguinal canal => pelvic walls
enlarging and joining with seminal vesicles
ejaculatory duct empying to prostatic urethra = prostatic fluid
Significance of the membranous urethra
Location of ext urethra sphincter (VOLUNTARY)
- most frequently injured; piercing = urine leak into deep perineal pouch
= non funct. ext. urethral sphincter
Male Peritonisation
RECTOVESICAL POUCH: deeper than females
Location of the internal urethral sphincter
Neck of the Bladder (INVOLUNTARY)