VTE Diagnosis and management - Dr Sunaina Miranda BW 2 Flashcards
Case 1:
Factor V leiden personal history (Increases risk of estrogen mediated clots)
What is the most specific symptom of DVT? (Unilateral lower limb oedema)
How do we Catergorize DVTs?
(think Transient vs persistent provoking factors Vs unprovoked)
1) Provoked - either Transient risks or persistent risk factor
2) Unprovoked
Past History of DVT!
Over 5000 deaths per year in Australia
- Commence NOAC while waiting for CUS! Most correct
- DVT is quite likely. Order Compression USS of left leg and await results (can use NOAC up front)
How do we diagnose DVT?
What are the goals for treatment for Mrs a?
Whats your next steps?
Hoow many proximal DVTS will be associated with PE?
Goals of treatment:
- Prevent extension of DVTor PE
- Prevent Mortality associated with PE
- Reduce post thrombotic syndrome
- COnsider urgent treatment to p
What are certain underlying risk factors when considering treatment?
What can cause increased APPT? (lupus anticoagulant)
(anti phospholipid syndrome= Clot+ screening bloods)- At risk of severe clots - require life long anticoagulant
Thrombus location:
Think is it above or below knee - Thus above knee =Proximal (thus have 50% chance of having PE)
Mrs A would you classify as provoked or unprovoked?
What are your management options for Mrs A now?
- Commence treatment immediatley with NOAC and make follow up arrangements
Anticoagulation for an isolated Distal DVT
How do we diagnose these?
How long should they be treated for? (6 weeks)
When should you consider referral? (referral to specialist)
When should you send to ED immediatley
- Possible iliofemoral DVT (entire leg)
- Suspected thromboses of the deep veins
What treatment would you treat with patients?
- Either Apixaban or rivaroxaban (Rivaroxaban is once daily vs apixaban is 2 daily thus other patients)
What are the guidelines for NOACS as for VTE treatment
What are the preferred anticoagulant for intial treatment of DVT?
What is the mainstay for antiphopholipd syndrome
- Noacs
- Warfarin for
What are the benefits of NOACs over warfarin?
- Reduces life threatening major bleeds and superior reduction in non major clinically relevant bleeding (over warfarin)
What are the differences in NOACS vs Warfarin in the bleeding type?
If GI issues - Bleeding/malignancy
How long will you treat mrs A with NOACs
Initial treatment
3 months!!! (any longer only increases bleeding risk
Management of DVT (minimun 3 months)
List 5 components of managemnt:
- All patients anticoagulate for 3 months
Treatment options for Mrs A
Remember loading dose for NOACs - which is usually double there dose,
Who should recieve 3 months vs indefinite?
What is the cumulative rate of DVT PE recurrence after initial unprovoked DVT?
Risk of recurrent VTE
Patients with cancers and consistent provoking risk factors
What are some secondary estimators for recurrent VTE?
List risks of major bleeding: (think HAS BLED)
Older vs younger patient and VTE
What should you do to manage patients with unprovoked DVT?
Outline the treatment/management of DVT
Overall Management for Mrs A?
What should we have done? When should we review her? what other tests after three months should we study?