Medical Management of Cancer BW3 Sabesan Flashcards
Learning outcomes: from lecture:
Need to know these:
Overall approach to management:
1) Most require tissue biopsy
Curable? yes or no? prolong life?
Need to know medan cell survival in curable cancers #
1) Diagnosis
2) Staging?
3) Curable vs non curable
4) Surgery/chem/hromonal/radio
NEED to know the median survival incurable cancers:
Types of complications related to cancers+ management:
Emesis from chemotherapy:
1) we use prevention emesis
2) Early after chemo emesis/
What options do we have?
- Metoclopramide
- ondansetron
- steroids
- Benzo (anticipatory)
50 year old mal just started chemo -
sick comes in N and V
Assess patient (hx and exam)
May not be related to chemotherapy at all
Need to take history+ exam:
Fluid assessment+ Taking prophylactic medications +inability to keep them down
What is neutropenic fever/sepsis: (major emergency)
What is it? What does it need immediately?
Management of neutropenic spesis:
What are the important management principles?
Commonly cultured pathogens in febrile neutropenic patients:
- Most important to cover psuedomonas- piptaz
SVC obstruction: In cancers:
What is it?
Spinal cord compression? (need to remeber) Early signs (radicular pain) - Bladder dysfunction/bowel/
Hormonal agents:
Breast cancer - Know side effects (osteoporosis)
Side effects of hormonal agents?
MEtastatic cancers- can be seen in periontenum/omental deposits
Approach to metastatic cancers:
Need to understand management pathway:
What is performance status in cancer management?
What are prognostic factors for metastatic cancer?
- So important to discuss prognosis- with patient- Need to have framework for discussing prognosis
- if you dont know say you will
Or breaking bad new framework: OSCE!!! hint!
Immunotherapy in cancer:
What is PDL1? CD4
- Essentially creating an autoimmune disease in patients
What are the major side effects of immunotherapy in cancer management?
List 6 atleast -
- Pneumonitis - fever cough/ ground glass appearance on CXR
- Colitis - Bowel perforation- Begins with watery diarrhoea/severe blood and mucus+cramps
- Hypophysitis/adrenalitis /Thyroiditis
Need to septic screen workup! Need to rule out sepsis:
Patients all usually require 1) Steroids 2) Oral/IV antibiotics 3) Bactrim prophylaxis
breast colon lung ovarain prostate cancer
+Metastatic algorithmn.
NEED to read prior to exams
ALL from cancer council Australia:
Screening and prevention:
- 1/3 of cancer deaths can be prevented from lifestyle changes alone
- population screening for cancer can detect precancerous lesions or early cancer when itd is curable surgically
- Tobacco causes 20% of australia cancer burden